Thursday, August 01, 2019

OBVIOUSLY RACIST! Pro-Trump activist has dozens volunteering to pick up trash in Baltimore.
I'M NOT SURE EITHER: Marianne Williamson Not Sure What She’s Doing Up Here With All These Crazy People.

Yes, Snopes, it's the Babylon Bee. Linked from this Instapundit post.
YESTERDAY I posted the 'before/after' Google searches about the Day 1 candidates; here are the 'before/after' Google searches from the Day 2 candidates.

I think it's clear that Democrats are not comfortable with their so-called 'first tier' candidates and are searching the 'lower tier' candidates for something better.
GREEN NEW DEAL: A slogan and a random collection of dumb ideas.
HOW CAN YOU DECRY CLIMATE CHANGE IF YOU DON'T CREATE IT FIRST? A-listers flock to Google summit in private jets, mega yachts to talk climate change.
NO JOKE: Babylon Bee sics lawyers on Snopes over 'fact checks'.
A PREVIEW of the Green New Deal in action.
BOSTON UNIVERSITY and societal engineers. I've seen this nonsense beginning to take root within my own professional organization (the Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers, IEEE) and I'm seriously thinking about giving up my (50+ year) membership.
CHICAGO STUDENTS WON’T BE ABLE TO GRADUATE without the Government approving their plans.

This is a repeat of an older post, but it seems an appropriate reminder now that the Democrat presidential primaries are underway.
A PLEASANT THOUGHT: hanging up on robocalls. I'm not sure it can be solved by legislation, though - unless the callers can be forced to pay for calling. And pay more for calling without permission.
INTERESTING: American Center for Law and Justice has obtained Obama DOJ’s immunity agreements with Hillary Clinton’s attorneys.

There's pretty clearly some rats in the woodwork. The question is whether they'll be brought to justice.
BRITAIN'S UNCERTAIN BREXIT: "[The 'remainers'] apparently have no objection to authoritarian rule—provided it is their own, of course."
VICTORY GIRLS: American Gomorrah.
MARRIAGE MYSTERY: Ilhan Omar splits with her husband and moves into luxury penthouse as she heads for second divorce with father of her three children.

So much confusion. So much illegality.
PRESIDENT TRUMP forces Democrats and the MSM to defend Al Sharpton. And Sharpton himself assists Trump.
JUDGE DISMISSES DNC HACKING LAWSUIT AGAINST TRUMP TEAM: claims 'entirely divorced from the facts'.
SALON: It's time to take the gloves off. Don't bother with the link to Salon unless you want to punish yourself with the ravings of a rabid animal.
POWERLINE: the Mifsud mystery.