Wednesday, February 12, 2014

CRAZY IDEA: "What if Obama nominated qualified people as Ambassadors to countries they knew about?" That would be sooo ... Republican.
HUH? A good guy with a gun could end up in jail for four years because he lobbied for a law that assumed there was no such thing as a good guy with a gun.

Proof that the law is often an ass.
OBAMA’S BUNDLER NOMINEE for ambassador to Argentina anxious to get to work just as soon as somebody tells him where it is.
AND NOW, back to regularly scheduled programming....
SNOWPOCALYPSE NOW: The winter storm has finally reached the Washington D.C. metro area. It's been snowing for about an hour, steadily increasing, and is finally beginning to stick. Pictures tomorrow.
RANDOM THOUGHT from the retirement lane: It's nearing Valentine's Day, and the PajamaGram hoodie-footie is all over the ad airways again. Question: Why aren't they marketing to Pajama Boy? He'd look much better in a hoodie-footie than in that silly plaid onesie.
OBAMA ON HEALTHCARE MANDATES: ‘Our Goal Here Is Not to Punish Folks.’ Well, you've done an outstanding job of failing to achieve your goal.
THE JOY of 'job-lock' liberation. Full speed ahead....
THE LATEST OBAMACARE DELAY: "Employers with 110 employees have [a year] to figure out a way to offer 'freedom, Chuck Schumer-style' to 11 workers to avoid the 'penalty' which may or may not ever kick in."
OBVIOUS THOUGHTS on the efficacy of raising the minimum wage. And completely incomprehensible to the average liberal....
NOT LIVING UP TO EXPECTATIONS: Conservative Acquaintance Annoyingly Not Racist.
YES! WE HAVE MORE BANANAS. We're building a Banana Republic. "[I]t seems safe to say that the Obamas have lost touch with at least some portion of reality...."

Click through to the post, then ask yourself: "Some?"
FCC INVESTIGATING editorial choices and bias in broadcasters. I wonder if they'll be surprised to learn Fox News is on cable -- and not subject to any broadcast licensing.
RIPE FOR MOCKING: the NGO community. Overripe, I'd say.
HEH: NYC MAYOR DeBlasio vows to raise taxes on the wealthy; Sean Hannity puts NY home up for sale.

Feet. Vote.
LEFT HAND, MEET RIGHT HAND: HealthCare.Gov shutting down for maintenance — and just in time for Youth Enrollment Day!

The Obama administration must practice incompetence to be this good.
HEH: More 'Mayors Against Guns' are getting the message.

For anyone not a liberal, this is a 'so what?' story.
DAY BY DAY learns to speak French.
HEH: Rules shouldn't be just for 'little people'.
JEFF JACOBY: 'Leading From Behind' to a New World Disorder.

World War III, anyone?