Sunday, May 10, 2009


This morning dawned a perfect fall day; cool, crisp, cloudless, no wind. Squirrels were active in the yard, and the birds singing.

The first thing my wife said when she came out to the porch: “This reminds me of 9/11.”

Say what you will about the Bush administration, I always woke up in the morning believing that the government was doing its level best to prevent another terrorist attack.

Not any more.


The Left is all a-twitter with fake outrage over comments by CBS Sports commentator David Feherty, who wrote (third article)

“From my own experience visiting the troops in the Middle East, I can tell you this, though: despite how the conflict has been portrayed by our glorious media, if you gave any U.S. soldier a gun with two bullets in it, and he found himself in an elevator with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Osama bin Laden, there’s a good chance that Nancy Pelosi would get shot twice, and Harry Reid and bin Laden would be strangled to death,”

in a satire-heavy piece that also called for capital punishment for pro-lifers.

Liberal watchdog Media Matters for America demanded an apology. “Mr. Feherty’s violent comments about Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid are disgusting,” said Media Matters President Eric Burns. “Suggesting that our troops would attack the leaders of the very democracy they’ve sworn to sacrifice their lives for is an insult to their integrity, honor, and professionalism.

Oh, nuts. Anyone who’s served with the military in the Middle East knows that Pelosi and Reid would be treated with respect, no matter how dark the innermost thoughts. I know; I’ve been there – twice.

Via Jules Crittenden. Read the whole piece, including the comments.


According to the Washington Post, "the D.C. Council member [Marion Berry] chose politics over principle in a vote against recognizing same-sex marriages."

[I]t was heartening to see council members facing election next year ... vote their principles in the face of a hostile audience threatening political retaliation. By contrast, Mr. Barry said he had to oppose the measure because he believed that is what his constituents wanted.

Isn’t that what a council member supposed to do? Represent his constituents?

Throughout his career as an activist, school board member and mayor, Mr. Barry has supported gay rights, fighting the ouster of a gay schoolteacher and backing recognition of domestic partnerships.

And so he’s a bigot and racist because he voted against recognizing gay marriages?

Sorry, but the Post got this editorial exactly backwards. The DC Council voted politically (correct); Marion Berry voted principle.

As a person, Berry is detestable. As Mayor of Washington DC, he was arrested for cocaine use; and he is a serial tax cheat who by all rights should be in the Obama admi..., er, jail. But this once, he was right.