Wednesday, April 24, 2019

THE WHEELS GO ROUND AND ROUND: Buttigieg's desire for a forced servitude is unacceptable.

I'm so old I remember when involuntary national service was considered a good idea.
WELL, IT WAS SAID BY AN UTTER LUNATIC: Bernie Sanders' call to let felons vote is 'utter lunacy'.
EVER NOTICE that students who spend their time on SJW protests tend to be the students in need of spending more time on their education?

They don't need no education; they already know it all....

To let them do it?
IT WASN'T CHRISTIANS, it was Easter worshipers.

Instapundit takes note.
THINKING IT WAS A JUST A MALE PROBLEM, the Democrats nominated Hillary in 2016. Now it's coming up 2020, and judging from the ostensibly male (and female, for that matter) candidates, they're going to go gender free....
SQUEAKY WHEELS (AND CRYBULLIES) always get the grease.
RANDOM THOUGHT: The 2020 pre-election Democrat primary circus is proof - if you need any - that the inmates have taken over the asylum.
OTHER THAN AS PAWNS, Democrats have no interest in illegal aliens.