Thursday, November 28, 2013

GOVERNMENT FRAUD, WASTE, AND ABUSE: Head of scandal-plagued FMCS to resign.

When one reads about fraud, waste, and abuse, the word 'government' should be taken for granted. Linked from Instapundit.
I’m no constitutional expert but it sure looks to me as if at least two branches of the Federal Government – branches that are supposed to provide checks and balances to keep each other from overstepping their bounds – committed fraud by perverting the truth and subverting the constitution to get Americans to give up some of their rights.

Let me tell you something, folks. We’ve seen this sort of leadership behavior before. We’ve seen it at companies like Enron, WorldCom, Tyco, and Adelphia. If you’ve ever wondered what makes powerful executives commit fraud, the answer is simple. They think they’re above the truth and the law. They think they know better. And they think they can exert their will over others without being held to account.

When that happens, it’s called absolute power, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. That’s what I think we’re seeing here. The organization of our federal government into three unique and autonomous branches was supposed to keep this sort of thing from happening. It didn’t. It failed.
Read it all.
NEWTOWN: Adam Lanza's civil rights were fully protected; his victims, not so much.

MORE: the failure of politically correct 'solutions'.
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: The Obamacare Ten-Step Self-Help Program.

One correction: "What was once bothersome is now just boring ...." should read "What was once bothersome is now really pissing me off ...."
NO SURPRISE as Millennials abandon Obama: "The abysmal and pathetic launch of is simply the cherry on top of a shit sundae Obama’s been whipping up for the kids."

Read the rest.
CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: The US-Iran nuclear agreement is ‘the worst deal since Munich’.

As an astute observer at another weblog noted: “Obama sent back the bust of Winston Churchill. Do you think the Brits have a bust of Neville Chamberlain they could lend to the White House?”
FAMILY OF ARMED ROBBERY SUSPECT annoyed that bystander shot him. They should be happy - he survived.
THE FATAL CONCEIT OF OBAMACARE: not knowing what you don't know.
The only wonders are that there are still those who maintain that this socialist monstrosity can still work and that so many Americans have been willing to give up their precious personal freedom and turn their lives over to arrogant, pretentious, and deeply confused bureaucrats and politicians in Washington.
Read it all.
COMMON SENSE ON COMMON CORE: "[T]he core requirements of higher education ... tend to be either non-serious or so diffuse that they are neither 'common' nor a 'core'. Why should the watery 'guidelines' for Common Core be much different than the higher ed slop?"

Read it all.
IF YOU LIKE YOUR CANCER, you can keep your cancer ... but not your health insurance, doctor, or hospital.
INSTAPUNDIT: Big government self-derails.
Opponents of big government should take a cue from environmentalists, and seize every available opportunity — and there will be many — for legal monkey-wrenching.
Republicans, please take note.
JACK DUNPHY: Something strange is happening in D.C. If he's right, it'll soon be time to break out the popcorn again.
BEWARE OBAMACARE: When you enter the web site you have no reasonable expectation of privacy.

I wouldn't touch ObamaCare with a 12-foot pole, no matter what the potential subsidies. As a matter of fact, I'm getting very worried about Medicare as well.