Sunday, January 31, 2010

IT IS TIME to rethink our opinion on President Obama: "He has done more to discredit big government in one year than we could do in an entire decade."

THE NEW RACISM: cultural incompetence.
WASHINGTON EXAMINER columnist Gregory Kane on "culturally relevant" education. "They [black boys] are not seeing themselves in the curriculum, and they do not see where it is relevant outside of school and therefore do not see it as an investment in their future."

As a former black boy myself -- one who managed to learn how to read, write and master enough math to get me through algebra and calculus -- I feel compelled to slash through this web of nonsense.

When I was a lad I did not have to "see" myself in the curriculum. The only picture I needed to see was my mother's foot being placed firmly up my derriere if I didn't bring home good grades from school. You'd be amazed at how "relevant" that made everything my teachers taught me.

In other words, the geography I learned in eighth grade, the history and the science: all were relevant outside of school because my mother said they were. And her vote was the only one that counted.

Start talking about "culturally relevant teaching strands," and you may end up teaching students absolute nonsense.
It doesn't matter if you "see yourself" in the subject taught; it does matter that you master it.
OBAMA TO end NASA's Constellation program.

In his new budget, President Obama plans to eliminate the space program's manned moon missions. When the president releases his budget on Monday, a White House official confirmed on Thursday there will be a big hole where funding for NASA's Constellation program used to be.
From the comments at Michelle Malkin's web site: "For the love of God, would someone please point out the hypocracy [sic] of trying to create jobs on one hand, while killing the space program with the other?"
PRO-LIFE, PRO-CHOICE: At a rally in San Francisco, pro-life outnumbers pro-choice 500 to one.
OBAMA TRANSLATOR. Ben Shapiro deciphers Obama-speak.

“Hope and change”: Socialism at home, surrender abroad.
“False choice”: A very real choice Obama wants to pretend doesn’t exist.
“Let me be clear”: Let me lie to you.
“Make no mistake”: See “let me be clear.”
“This isn’t about me”: This is completely about me.
“Failed policies of the past”: Don’t blame me! Blame Bush!
There are more here.

[Added] Here's one I suggest:

"A failure to communicate": You’re not listening.
THE CREDIBILITY GAP: Sarah Palin on Obama’s State of the Union.

Last night, the president spoke of the “credibility gap” between the public’s expectations of their leaders and what those leaders actually deliver. “Credibility gap” is a good way to describe the chasm between rhetoric and reality in the president’s address. The contradictions seemed endless.

We now can see the failed policies behind the flowery words. If Americans feel as cynical as the president suggests, perhaps it’s because the audacity of his recycled rhetoric no longer inspires hope.
Read it all.
I ALSO THINK that the people governing us have become objectively dumber over the last 50 years or so.

Of course. A larger and larger percentage of that governing class have been edjumakated at Harvard, Yale, Princeton, ....
MSNBC'S CHRIS MATTHEWS: "He is post-racial by all appearances. You know, I forgot he was black tonight for an hour."

Jon Stewart responds: