Friday, March 11, 2011

REP. SHEILA JACKSON LEE, in a Homeland Security committee meeting:
We would be better off if we would have a hearing speaking about the importance of human intelligence. Funding for the elements of the Department of Homeland Security that can work on human resources to be able to hear from individuals who do want to engage and help this country promote its values.
Incoherent: the new English.
INDIA successfully tests anti-missile system.
BRITISH REPORT says society is too reliant on satellite-based navigation. "[T]here is a whole generation of road users who cannot use maps."
IT’S NOT BULLYING if the Left does it.
WE’VE GOT THE TECHNOLOGY; we’re just not sure how to use it.

Texting while driving - bad; texting while flying - good?
DON'T PACK YOUR BAGS JUST YET: scientists this week unveiled images of a reusable 'spaceplane' they hope will elevate space tourism to new heights.

Read more here.

I love the tea parties. It’s like a political movement of Huxtables.

“When the Tea Partiers lost in their attempt to kill Obamacare, they went to the ballot box and voted. That’s what representative democracy looks like. Not at all like the theatrics we are seeing in Wisconsin.”
IT’S ONLY A BOMBSHELL to the completely oblivious. Read the whole thing, then check out the comments.
HEH. “Green” cars pollute more. They use more gas, too.
I RARELY READ [NYT COLUMNIST PAUL] KRUGMAN, and this is a good reason to keep it that way.
RARE WARPLANE TO BE RECOVERED. A TBD Devastator war plane that was lost at sea in 1941 has been located off the coast of San Diego, and a Florida museum plans to raise it from the bottom.

Capt. Ed Ellis (USN, retd.), head of aircraft restorations for the National Museum of Naval Aviation, in Pensacola, told EAA the Devastator is "the 'holy grail' in terms of naval aviation, and something we'd like to have in this museum."
WELCOME TO THE REGULATORY STATE: "It's very difficult to protect the public from itself ...."

Perhaps it's because Americans don't want to be 'regulated'.
COINCIDENCE? Or conspiracy? I'm sure it's coincidence, but the conspiracy theory is intriguing. The question, to me, is what was the Glory spacecraft expected to find?
"IT PAINS ME to say that more bureaucracy is better, but if it’s bureaucracy aimed at targeting the rest of the bureaucracy, at least it serves some virtuous end."
STINGS ARE GOOD as long as only we do them.
OPERATIONS RESEARCH gets Instapundit notice.
THE ENTIRE STATE OF OREGON SHOULD BE EXPELLED FROM THE UNION. School bus driver fired after he refused to remove a Confederate battle flag flying from his pickup truck.
JEFF JACOBY: a fix for RomneyCare ObamaCare.

The list of mandates is astonishing - and incomplete; no mention of preventive care, annual physicals, well-baby care, etc. No wonder "healthcare" is so expensive.
HURRAY FOR "STUFF": We thought it was junk; but "[m]aterial abundance ... produces economic resilience."
MAKE OBAMA KING. “Then we could hold a special election and choose a real president.... Sure, it seems like a radical solution. But consider the alternative.”
MANY COLLEGE STUDENTS not learning to think critically. You've got to have people with critical thinking skills to teach critical thinking skills. Those people are not educators.

More here.