Tuesday, January 24, 2023

KNOW YOUR PLACE, PEASANTS. They “work so hard for you.”

A discovery I made at least 25 years ago. Welcome to the party...
ORDINARILY I'D SAY NO. Should the House Republican majority copy the Democrats violation of norms?

But after 6 years of Democrats' egregious violation of civilized norms, I've changed my mind. Yes, I think Republicans should not only copy Democrat tactics but improve on them, reminding the Democrats every step of the way that payback's a bitch and you're going to get it gooder and harder.
GOODER AND HARDER: Democrats push to amend Constitution so 16-year-olds can vote.

And Republicans will push to amend the Constitution to tie the drinking and gun-ownership ages to the voting age. If you're old enough to vote, you should be old enough to drink and own firearms, Right?
THEY DON'T HATE US. The coming gas-stove culture war.

Oh, really?
HMMM. ATF finalizes rule that treats guns with pistol braces as short-barreled rifles.

This will get interesting when it's challenged in court. And it certainly will.
BEN SHAPIRO: Our blundering, intrusive, incompetent government.

And we, the people, voted for them? (I didn't. Nor did any of the people I know.)
CALL THEM BLOOD SUCKING LEECHES; THAT'S WHAT THEY ARE. More employees than students at Stanford.
UNLIKELY, but "Is it courage time in the House of Representatives?"
A “PROMISED LAND OF SANITY”: Here's the line that brought the house down at Gov Ron DeSantis' inaugural speech.
DID THEY LOOK UNDER HIS PILLOW? The White House has just announced that six more classified documents were discovered at the Wilmington house this week.

And the glove box of his Corvette?
IT WASN’T EASY TO TOP THE TRIUMPH TR7: Prince Harry branded ‘worst British export to the US in 200 years’.

I will concur with the TR-7 part. It was hands-down the worst car I ever bought; it was pretty though.
PETE BUTTIGIEG would have been fired long ago if he were straight.

For exta protection he should identify as black.
SO I'M IN THE MAJORITY: Fifty-six percent of U.S. voters prefer a government shutdown to raising the debt ceiling.
HAS SKYNET ARRIVED? Robots rise as we develop more artificial minds to take over genuine careers.

Given the IQ of the average progressive, that could be a good thing.
RACE HUSTLERS are the Democrat party.
SHE SHOULD KNOW: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says gas stoves are linked to brain damage.

About brain damage, that is....
THE BABYLON BEE: Biden declares the southern border as secure as America's elections.

I think the Bee may have missed on this one; the border is probably more secure.
SO WHY DOESN'T HE WALK/BIKE TO DELAWARE FOR HIS WEEKLY VACATIONS? Biden wants you to walk/bike more to eliminate transportation emissions.
I'VE NOTICED: Health insurance may have made health care more expensive.

And if you haven't you must be a 'taker'.
MALLARD FILLMORE states the obvious.
THE BIDEN ADMINISTRATION to increase fees for legal immigration to cover the costs of processing illegals.

This is standard Democrat procedure -- punish the innocent to protect the guilty.
THE MORNING BRIEFING: Biden is kicking off 2023 by pretending to care about the southern border.
HOW TO TAKE THE TWITTER FILES TO COURT: File a class action against federal agents seeking an injunction against social-media censorship efforts.

This I'd really really like to see....
WOKE NARCISSM EXPOSED: San Francisco ‘Karen’ posts her own ridiculous tantrum when rescue squad blocks bike lane.
2022 SUCKED:
Picture 365 days full of sucking and you’ve got this past year. Not in my personal life, and hopefully not in yours either, but politically. We have a moron in the White House, a culture going to hell, and a media actively working against any and everything that refuses to conform to their left-wing agenda. At least on January 3rd a new Congress with convenes and some of the horrible will end. So we make sure we repeat a little of the garbage from 2022 to 2023, let’s take a look back at some of the worst.
Now go read the whole thing.
UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE ends with the government telling you to kill yourself.

And assisting. That was the obvious end point years ago. Every government program starts with promising more and more for less and less (and hiding the real cost) until the bureaucracy is so bloated it can't accomplish anything ... and then it implodes.

We're on the verge of implosion now.
'INCLUSIVITY' IN OUR SCHOOLS: The CDC's radical plans for your children.

If the CDC's COVID nightmare wasn't enough, this should be proof enough to abolish the CDC entirely.

Here are some of my thoughts about the CDC from nearly 3 years ago at the onset of the COVID 'pandemic'.
IF 2022'S 'MOST LIKELY TO ...' COLUMN is any indication, 2023 awards should will be off the charts.
OVER WOKE AND OVERWROUGHT: Washington state county bans employees from having religious decorations.

There is an easy solution: fire the entire Human Resources department and any employee who complains. With prejudice.