Saturday, September 22, 2012

REDISTRIBUTION: What it Means and Where it Leads.
OBAMA: Redistribution creates wealth. Uh, huh -- you get a bigger pie by slicing it differently.

From the PJ Tatler. I've added the dates of Romney's supposed 'gaffes' as declared by the mainstream (lamestream?) media: Benghazi (9/11) and 47% (9/17). Who's out of touch? Romney? Or the media?
This is a very sad story about a bear... Everybody should heed the warnings not to feed wildlife because they become dependent and don't forage for themselves any longer. It is such a tragedy to see what has been done to our country's wildlife. The photo below captures a disturbing trend that is beginning to affect U.S. wildlife.

Animals that formerly were self-sufficient are now showing signs of belonging to the Democratic Party. They have apparently learned to just sit and wait for the government to step in and provide for their care and sustenance.
This photo is of a black bear in Montana turned Democrat. He's nicknamed Bearack Obearma. It is believed that he has become a campground organizer.
From my email.
HOW TO CONVINCE ALIENS there's no intelligent life on Earth: tweet them. (Or vote for Obama.)
PUNCHING BACK: Texas Gov. Rick Perry wins at Team Obama's "For All" meme.
U.S. DISTRUST in media hits a new high.

Media bias, anyone? Read it all.

MORNING EXAMINER: Obama's Univision failure. Democrats must really be worried, since they are accusing Mitt Romney of dyeing his face brown when he appeared on Univision.
FORMER VIRGINIA GOVERNOR and Democrat Senate candidate Tim Kaine will consider a minimum income tax for every American. This may hurt him with the general Republican electorate, but for me it makes him worthy of a second look since I strongly believe that every citizen should have a financial stake, no matter how small, in the American experience.
ISLAMIST RAGE: "[I]t’s not a Jimmy Carter moment — because at this point, Jimmy Carter would be a best-case scenario. And an increasingly implausible one...."
DID WE JUST WAKE UP IN MAO'S CHINA? Obama's Creepy Cult of Personality.
FOR AIRCRAFT BUFFS: Spitfire meets Lightning II.
NATIONAL YARD SALE FOR OBAMA: Recognizing that their followers may have already given all their new stuff for the campaign’s re-election effort, it’s time to move on to the old stuff. Getting desperate are you, Obama?
WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW about guns and gun control.
GLENN REYNOLDS (INSTAPUNDIT) delivers the keynote address at the Conference on the Constitutional Convention. Long (35 min) but worth viewing if you're at all interested in the Constitution.
HOW'S THAT hopey-changey stuff workin' out for ya?
UNCOMMON KNOWLEDGE: an interview with Thomas Sowell.
Now anyone who studied history knows that for the first 150 years of this country the federal government did not intervene when the economy turned down. And all that time the downturns all corrected themselves; one of the most classic examples was under Warren G. Harding when, during his first year in office, he found the unemployment rate at 11.7 percent. He did absolutely nothing; he did not spend more government money, he cut back on spending. The Federal Reserve had the interest rates up at 6 or 7 percent, not down at 1 percent, where they are now. The next year unemployment was at 6.7 percent; the year after that it was 2.4 percent. So the economy has recuperative powers. I mean employers have an incentive to hire people. Workers have an incentive to get jobs. Lenders have incentives to lend.
It's long (nearly 40 minutes) but worth every minute.
MITT ROMNEY showed his, now it's time to show yours, Harry Reid.