Friday, August 02, 2013

THE POOR DEARS ON CAPITOL HILL don’t want to pay for their own ObamaCare. How dare they be treated like little people!
EXPLAINING WHY I PREFER PAPER (WHEN I CAN): Online bank heists just the latest in a long string.
MORNING EXAMINER: Libertarian populists giving establishment Republicans headaches. Good. It's time for the establishment (both sides) to take a hike.
THE DEATH OF POPULISM: Plenty of pleaders for rich and poor, but no politician speaks for the common man.
NEWT GINGRICH: Curing Bureaucratic Health Care.

I'm on board with much of what Gingrich is proposing in this article. America would be far better off if, for example, the money being spent on ObamaCare were instead being spent on basic research in genetics, regenerative medicine, and brain diagnostics as Gingrich suggests.

I'm less on board with his 'big data' initiative which, as the evidence from the NSA debacle suggests, is far more likely to become a political weapon than an analytical tool.
OBAMANOMICS: the soft bigotry of low expectations.
OBAMACARE PREMIUMS lower than expected in Maryland, but they're still going up. Florida, Georgia, and Indiana expect premiums to rise as well.

Surprised? You shouldn't be.
LET THE BUBBLE BURST: Obama faces homeownership plunge. I'm sure that's okay with him; he wants those little people to move into downtown high-rises where he has better control.
YES, PLEASE DO LECTURE US about phony scandals.
OBAMA AS a Comparative President Assessment Specialist.

Making Jimmy Carter look good since 2009.