Thursday, September 19, 2024

HILLARY CHANNELS NANCY PELOSI: 'You'll have to elect Kamala to find out her policies.'
CHRISTOPHER RUFO: The cat eaters of Ohio.
Anyone looking askance at any of my cats will be met with the pointy end of an AR-15.

Linked from Instapundit here.
A LEGEND IN HIS OWN MIND: Tone deaf celebrity says Springfield, OH residents must embrace 'dietary preferences' of immigrants.

To quote the immortal Bugs Bunny, "What a maroon."
MORNING GLORY: Why I am voting for Trump.

And so should you. Read it. Then read it again. And again.
NO PLAN SURVIVES FIRST CONTACT WITH THE ENEMY. 'First' should be replaced by 'any' and I have proof.

One of my cats (Percival) decided that he needed to go outside overnight and tore a hole in the porch screen door. Okay, so I decided to replace the screen, expecting that it would take a few hours over a couple of days given that I wanted to paint the back side of the door to match the (recently painted) house trim.

First contact: the new screen I bought was fabric, as was the screen it replaced, but it wasn't 'invisible' screen. Back to Home Depot.

Second contact: the strip molding holding the screen in the door broke in several places as I was pulling it out. Back to Home Depot, which didn't have the exact molding to replace the broken pieces. Neither did any other lumber dealer. So I had to use a decorative cove molding (which looks good, by the way) which had to be cut at a 45 degree angle 16 times.

Third contact: installing the screen itself required new stapling since the old moldings were stapled in. Back to Home Depot for the correct size staples.

Then it was on to sanding, filling holes, and painting the door. No visit to Home Depot was needed, luckily, since I had leftover paint from the house painting.

Fourth contact: then I discovered that the front side of the door had been painted a different color than the trim color I used for the back side. Luckily again, I still had the trim paint left over.

Finally a week later, the door has been fixed, rehung, and Percival now has other alternatives when the screen door is closed....