Wednesday, June 12, 2024

CROWDFUNDING CAMPAIGN for 90-year-old veteran working in the ‘sweltering heat’ so he can afford ‘to eat’ reaches almost $250K.

What's particularly heartwarming about the story is that even with all that cash, he intends to keep working.
SHE LIES: Pelosi has desperate 'revisionist' response to bombshell j6 video. The Capitol police chief responded, and he didn't hold back....
DONALD TRUMP narrates seven famous historic battles. Mike Lindell approves.

Yes, it's the Babylon Bee.
NOT SO BREAKING NEWS: Attorney General Merrick Garland holds House of Representatives in contempt.
WHY? ISN'T CRIME GOOD? ‘There’s a concerted effort to make people afraid of crime.’

It's Minneapolis, where dumb is also good.
MARTHA'S VINEYARD is running out of pot.

I can't stop laughing.