Sunday, February 13, 2022

RANDOM THOUGHT: If the national IQ were to be measured in terms of Super Bowl ads and halftime entertainment, it would now be circiling the toilet.
I HOPE THERE'S A LAWSUIT IN THE WORKS: City of Boston apologizes for ‘accidentally’ emailing out names of unvaccinated employees.
THE DIPLOMAD WRITES on the Canadian truck convoy. Read.
JOE BIDEN: Stupid or liar?

I don't think the two words are incompatible.
YES, OUR 'STRONG LETTER' IS ALREADY WRITTEN: Secretary of State Antony Blinken reiterates vow for swift response if Putin invades Ukraine.
INTERESTING NOTE: It took six months (i.e., Super Bowl LVI) to break the Dish/NBC network impasse ... money talks. Lots of money talks louder.

Sarcasm intended.
Appreciating the hypocrisy of the socialist Left....