Saturday, November 16, 2019

THIS IS A SURPRISE? Google actively blacklists, interferes to control search outcomes. "The moral of this story seems to be: For honesty and integrity … search elsewhere other than Google."
A VULTURE CAPITALIST enters the Democratic race.

On the bright side, a 'vulture capitalist' will probably certainly do less damage to America than a Democratic Socialist.
NO, EUROPE ISN'T ANTI-SEMITIC: The Trump Administration will fight a European mandate that Jewish-made goods carry ‘warning labels’.

Nope. 'Warning labels' aren't anti-Semitic. Good to know.
COLLEGE FOLLIES: North Carolina State 'University' silent after fascists spray paint pro-Trump student.

These days a liberal arts education isn't worth the money spent to obtain it. Especially if it's a 'woke' institution.