Sunday, June 07, 2015

NEW YORK TIMES shows its 'gotcha' colors -- and gets soundly mocked.

Punch back twice as hard.
WHAT MAKES A PROGRESSIVE? The ability to turn on a dime. Insanity helps....
HEH: A line separating the smart from the not-so-smart.

Update: read the comments.
OH, GROW UP: Calling “Caitlyn” Jenner a “he” is a microaggression. Elizabeth Price Foley's response is priceless, and the comments are worthy of an extra bowl of popcorn.

You know, progressives act much like my kids did when they were learning to talk. Every time they learned a new word, they had to mouth it over and over and over again until I had to tell them to knock it off. I think it's time to tell them to 'knock it off and grow up'. Progressives, like children, should be seen and not heard.
THE SCOREKEEPER is on a roll this week: here, here, here, here, here, and (dear God, no) here.
AN EXCELLENT EXPLANATION of why I canceled my subscription to the Washington Post.
BREAKING: Obama wins Triple Crown.
Dan Pfeiffer @danpfeiffer
Another accomplishment -- Obama first President to have a
Triple Crown winner since Carter
Are these people completely nuts?
FORMER PRESIDENT JIMMY CARTER: “Americans still have racist tendencies or feelings of superiority to people of color.” In case you haven't noticed, the most racist people in America are Democrats and progressives (but I repeat myself).

Linked from Instapundit, who has more.

Added thought: based on this post, the logical inference is that Democrats and progressives are illiterate. Which, to be honest, probably isn't far from the truth.
WALTER MATTHAU: "I never mind my wife having the last word. In fact, I'm delighted when she gets to it."
NEW YORK JUDGE: It's racist to expect teachers to be literate.

So ... being literate is equivalent to being racist. Got it.
HOIST BY THEIR OWN PETARD: Liberals now find gender identity itself oppressive.
MATTRESS GIRL Emma Sulkowicz releases sex video.

Her parents must be sooo proud of her....
ONE FINAL COMMENT about 'male privilege'.