Wednesday, October 30, 2019

ELIZABETH WARREN’S ‘MEDICARE FOR ALL’ CLAIMS are as credible as her Native American heritage.
THE WASHINGTON POST NEEDS A NEW MASTHEAD: "Democracy Dies in Derangement".

Seen on the internet as a lede for this post.
SARAH HOYT ASKS: "Is the left so far gone they don’t realize she’s [Hillary] gone insane?"

Well ... yes.
COULDN'T HAPPEN TO A BETTER CLASS OF PEOPLE: La Verne may be sixth law school to close since 2017.
OOPS! Explosion in Antarctic sea ice may signal new ice age. I'm so old I remember being warned of imminent global cooling back in the 70's - which morphed into global warming which morphed into climate change, and we're now back to global cooling.

But as the Doomsayers like to say, "Never let a fake crisis go to waste".
The oft-repeated statement that America suffers from meritocracy is the opposite of the truth. Pretense of excellence, not excellence itself, is the ground on which the U.S. ruling class bases its claim to legitimacy.
Elite in their own minds....
“I’LL AGREE TO LET YOU OUTLAW HATE SPEECH if you agree to let me define hate speech.”

Seems fair to me.
BERNIE SANDERS: ‘I don’t think I have to’ explain how to pay for socialized medicine.

No worries; he has a money tree. It's called your wallet (but you won't need it after he's elected).
SCHIFF WRECKED: Chairman Adam Schiff is to intelligence as Maxwell Smart was to smartness.
THERE ARE "ENVIRONMENTALISTS" and there are environmentalists.

Environmentalists have guns.
ATTORNEY GENERAL BARR is probably laughing at this request from
Sen. Dianne Feinstein [D-CA].

Check out the two Twitter links at the bottom for additional mockery.
MORE PROOF (as if any is needed) that Liberals are hypocrites.
“WELL DONE, @NYGOVCUOMO. Who are you going to tax when they’re all gone?”
THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS when you're incapable of rational thought.

Maybe if he spent some energy growing brain cells instead of hair....
UNDER OBAMA there came to be a cancer in the Pentagon.

Like the author, I'm a wee bit skeptical, but ... I've worked in the defense industry almost my entire professional life, including a final tour at the Pentagon, and I've seen enough to make the allegations troubling.
SELL GIVE HIM SOME MORE ROPE: Sen. Chuck Schumer [D-NY] wants to repeal private health insurance.

There are plenty of lamp posts out there for him to hang himself.
THIS IS YOUR 'TOLERANT' LEFT: Second aide to Sen. Maggie Hassan [D-NH] sentenced in plot to post Kavanaugh backers’ personal information.
MALE PRIVILEGE returns to Hollywood (Hollowood?).

At least it's not just that icky white male privilege....
KURT SCHLICHTER: The future belongs to those who can count.

Democrats can't.