Friday, April 04, 2014

HEH: Where is that $6 billion missing from the State Department?
NOW THAT PRESIDENT OBAMA HAS TAKEN HIS VICTORY LAP, here are some still unanswered questions.
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: "To the degree a Californian is ... loudly progressive -- the more he is immune from the downside of his own ideology."

And happiness is seeing California in your rear-view mirror.
IS THIS HOW ObamaCare managed to get 7 million 'enrollments'?

We're from the government and we're going to 'help' you whether you want it or not.

RELATED: More 'new enrollees'.
NEWT GINGRICH: A Case of Liberal (?) Tolerance (??).

As of today, Mozilla is dead to me. Never again will I knowingly buy or use one of their products.
ANOTHER OBAMACARE 'GOTCHA': You can no longer buy health 'insurance' year-round.
NOT EVEN TRYING TO HIDE THEIR BIAS: Univision Staffer Rejects RNC Press Release ‘Because I am a Democrat’.
CHARLES KOCH: I'm Fighting [Harry Reid] to Restore a Free Society.
FLORIDA LAWMAKERS approve warning shots in self defense. If only ammunition wasn't so damned expensive....
NO WORRIES, MATE: If you're an unemployed/underemployed defense contractor, Australia wants you.

If I were a bit younger....
YOU CAN’T SAY THAT! This is a University. The good news is that Hayward is soon-to-be the Ronald Reagan Distinguished Visiting Professor at Pepperdine University’s Graduate School of Public Policy.
SIMPLIFICATION: the key to the good life.
GOP LAWMAKERS TO EPA: Ax proposed water rule. Enough interference already.
INSTAPUNDIT: How Many People Does It Take to Colonize Another Star System? The post provoked a number of responses; my favorite is this one:
The only time I'm tempted to think there's intelligent design to the universe is when I consider how much it looks like it's been designed to prevent cross-contamination of the samples.
And finally, to add to the list of science fiction reference, I'd suggest Robert A. Heinlein's Orphans of the Sky.
STONEWALL: I know nothing; I just work here.
SEN. CHARLES SCHUMER (D-NY): Supreme Court ruling makes IRS less intimidating to Tea Party donors. Ri-i-i-ght. It's still illegal, just less intimidating.
LABOR SECRETARY inaccurately cited his department’s data in hearing. No, he lied.
"OBAMACARE IS A DEBACLE, wrapped in a catastrophe, shrouded in a disaster. And fathered by lies." Click through and read Peggy Noonan's article in entirety.
CONGRESSMAN JIM MORON MORAN: Members of Congress are underpaid.
THREAT OF THE OBAMACARE STAR: "Elect Democrats, or witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational health care legislation!"

It's satire ... I think.