Monday, May 13, 2019

SOCIALISM: If you build it, they will leave.

NADLER AND SCHIFF SHOULD BE PLEASED: Attorney General Barr assigns US attorney to look into government surveillance involving Trump campaign.
WORK HARD, play by the rules, and be hated by liberals. They hate you, because you're free.

Here's a thought: name one - just one - Democrat policy, position or promise that increases either your prosperity or your liberty.

If you can, then vote Democrat.
THAT'S WHAT YOU GET when your state chooses to export pollution: California may go dark this summer.

Rather than import massive amounts of electricity, they should have build local power plants. Now it's time to pay the piper.
POWERLINE'S Nadlering Nabob of Nihilism edition of its Week in Pictures is up. Here's my favorite this week:

Now go see the rest.