Wednesday, May 13, 2020

WHAT FRESH HELL IS THIS? Flynn judge stalls dismissal, opens up case to 'friends of the court'.

First item; then skim the rest.
SOCIALISM VICTORY! Workers no longer being exploited thanks to high unemployment.

Are we happy yet?
A PANTLOAD OF FAIL: Can we trust Covid modelling?
IT'S THOSE TOLERANT, 'CARING' DEMOCRAT OFFICIALS AGAIN: "I don't give 2 rats' asses about your cops."

Um, how do you expect to control your citizens without police support?

From PowerLine's Mid-week in Coronavirus edition. Go see the rest, as the land sharks and Asian kill bunnies have yet to arrive....
BLUE CHECK LOSER beclowns herself.

What do you have to do to get a blue check on Twitter? Get a certificate of insanity? Or go to imbecile school?

'Same old, same old' once again. The daily death rate is continuing to decline, and the cumulative numbers are still showing the curve bending, My backup website, the Coronavirus Dashboard, is showing exactly the same trends.

I am noting that since testing started being reported in early March, two months ago, confirmed cases have dropped from a peak of 25% to about 14% today. That's most likely due to an increase in testing, but in terms of numbers, the number of confirmed coronavirus cases is showing a bend in the curve similar to the curve for confirmed deaths.

The estimated death rate is up a bit today at 0.1072% and the estimated percentage of Americans not yet infected is still decreasing, at 75.961% today.
IT'S OVER, HEALTHSCARE NANNIES: Rebel barber vindicated by Michigan judge and local sheriff. You're not getting control of America, so go down to your rooms and cry there. Don't come out until you can act like adults.

Adding insult to injury, doesn't Gov. Whitmer remind you of the Wicked Witch of Oz fame?
RAND PAUL: a voice of sanity in the mental institution we call Congress.
THE REAL REASON Trump didn't name a specific ObamaGate crime:
Trump did not name a specific crime against Obama because the scope of the malfeasance is so vast that any one named crime seems insufficient to capture the horrifying nature of the story.
And not once did the dogs (i.e., MSM journalists) ever bark about the malfeasance.

That is the real crime.
MASKED DEMOCRATS unveil the Pelosi aid plan.
SEN. RAND PAUL [D-KY] questions Dr. Fauci in Senate hearing. Fauci doesn't come across well.