Monday, June 17, 2013


I knew we were good for something....
OBAMA'S disastrous second term. How is it different from his first term? (Other than all the chickens coming home to roost....)
ON SECOND THOUGHT, "[L]et’s get a sledge hammer and smash apart this government until all those bureaucrats who think they can bully us are completely powerless to do anything but whine at deaf ears. Rubble don’t make trouble."
ANDY PUZDER: Of Burgers, Bikinis and ObamaCare. Mostly ObamaCare.
SENATOR BIRDBRAIN: Senate to craft legislation to prevent contractor access to classified data. Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Dianne Feinstein: “We will certainly have legislation which will limit or prevent contractors from handling highly classified technical data.”

Does Sen. Feinstein have the faintest idea of who develops the systems that acquirethat (highly classified technical) intelligence data? And who operates those systems? And who processes the data? And who interprets the data? Contractors all...

The only things the government does are a) fund the programs and b) misuse the data. It does neither well.
LIBERAL IDIOT: If she tries to load it, I doubt there'll be a Week Two. The article is here.

... and then there's snoop. From the Washington Times (10 June 2013)
THE CASE FOR POLYAMORY: and while we’re at it, let’s privatize marriage. Instapundit: "For those who say 'what about the children?' note that we’ve basically separated marriage from childbearing already."

Personally, I think that getting government the hell out of marriage is a fine idea provided there remains a body of law dedicated to respecting the obligations of parenthood and protecting the rights of minor children.
PALIN ON SYRIA: ‘Let Allah Sort It Out’. I approve this message. I would only add that the U.S. should make it absolutely, unequivocally clear (unfortunately something Obama can't do) that any attack on any U.S. territory will be met by the U.S. immediately turning the attackers' homeland territories into rubble, bouncing the rubble, salting the earth underneath, and leaving any survivors to fend for themselves.