Saturday, January 19, 2019

JONAH GOLDBERG: The border wall is a MacGuffin. Except in the case of the border wall, it's a case of each sides wanting to deny the other a victory. By way of analogy, Goldberg points out that the border wall fight isn't really a MacGuffin:
To say that the KGB and the CIA [i.e., Democrats and Republicans] engage in similar practices is the equivalent of saying that the man who pushes an old lady into the path of a hurtling bus is not to be distinguished from the man who pushes an old lady out of the path of a hurtling bus on the grounds that, after all, in both cases someone is pushing old ladies around.
I doubt the old lady would agree that the acts are [morally] equivalent either.
QUESTION: Why did the Democrats fight so hard to keep Brett Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court?

Answer from the comments: "Amy Coney Barrett and Don Willett. We got this."
BREAKING? Ruth Bader Ginsburg has pneumonia and will retire from the Supreme Court this month.

Color me skeptical, but that said, she should retire, relax, and enjoy her remaining years.
THOMAS SOWELL: Fact-free politics. So much misinformation; so few facts. And so little thought, particularly intelligent thought.
KILLING THEM 'IN UTERO' does keep the infant mortality rate down.
POWERLINE'S WEEK IN PICTURES is *fantabulous today. Here's my favorite:

Now go see the rest.

*Yes, I just made that word up.
YES! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes....
LIKE LEFTY DIET NOSTRUMS GENERALLY, it’s crap: "It doesn’t matter what the problem is, the solution is always for us to give the government more money and power, while we eat less meat."
BURGERGATE: We must impeach Trump!

Surely inflicting innocent college students with "health problems from fat & sodium intake as well as the climate change wrought by meat consumption" must be an impeachable offense. Especially if inflicted by a crony capitalist masquerading as a populist.