Thursday, February 03, 2011

A GOLDEN PARACHUTE for the school superintendent, a lead balloon for the taxpayers.
SEN. BOB CORKER (R-TN): Put a ‘straightjacket’ on federal spending.
POLITICAL CORRECTNESS: Some Michigan schools permit ‘religious’ knives, yet cupcakes are banned.
U.S. ATTAINS third-world status. In my home state, no less.
SPACE STASIS: What the strange persistence of rockets can teach us about innovation.

What it really teaches is that there is no shortage of liberal boobs at Slate.
I MAY BE A DUPE, but it’s Glenn Beck’s fault.
THE BUDGET CAN BE CUT. Only politics stand in the way.
TO BE A PAINE PATRIOT: Is it hard to remember that patriotism used to mean putting a collective good before private profit? Barbara Clark Smith is rewriting history. True patriots, including myself, will sacrifice immediate gratification for future gains. No one, especially the collectivist progressive chic, ever puts the collective good before themselves.
SAINTED MODERATES reap lobbying bucks. “Perhaps it's time to reconsider the media's beatification of "moderates," and realize that those who walk down the middle of the road, instead of being daring trailblazers, are often following the easiest path to riches.”
SARAH PALIN schools the Washington Post on history.

I would only add that the politicians of that time did not believe the CIA data.
ANN COULTER on gun control: "There's only one policy of any kind that has ever been shown to deter mass murder: concealed-carry laws."
GIVE PRESIDENT OBAMA credit for saying the right thing when he praised America’s spirit of entrepreneurship in his State of the Union address. It’s a shame his policies contradict his rhetoric.
BREAKING NEWS: SEIU importing camels from mideast.
IT’S LIKE THIS CIVILITY STUFF is a sham bullies use when their victims hit back.
LEFT STATE UNIVERSITY: It is now possible for students to get a college “education” without ever encountering a conservative thought. Read it all.
FARRAH FAWCETT’S iconic red swimsuit to be donated to the Smithsonian.
CIVILITY - from the Left.
PRIORITIES: We can’t clean the streets of snow, but we can ban smoking in public parks.
HEALTHCARE RATIONING is inevitable. The only question is whether it will be by "death panels" under ObamaCare or by patient choice. I prefer the latter.
OHIO HAS ANNOUNCED it will no longer be using the known common anesthetic for lethal injection, and is switching to a drug used to euthanize pets. Two thoughts, conflicting:

1) Makes sense; as it is hard to consider most of them even remotely human; and

2) We’re going to treat them as humanely as we do our pets?
MORE PALIN LUNACY on lamestream television.
OBAMA: We simply cannot afford a permanent extension of the tax cuts for the wealthiest 2% of Americans.

Mr. President, does the phrase “going Galt” mean anything to you?

Linked from Instapundit.
POWERLINE on the ObamaCare strikedown. Plus some well-deserved snark about the Washington Post.

Each year U.S. colleges graduate about 800-1,000 engineering students who have expressed interest in electric power, and about 550 graduate students obtain advanced degrees in power engineering. Yet electric utilities are expected to need 7,000 newly minted engineers in the next five years, and total industrial and governmental demand could be twice that.
It’s not a problem. Before you need power engineers to run the smart grid, you need power. The Obama administration has put regulations in place to assure that there won’t be any.
JUST MAYBE we’re placing too much emphasis on a college education. From Harvard, no less. I guess their position is that only the elite really need an “education” .....
HMM. I can’t watch the Super Bowl, but I must shovel snow from the driveway.
“IF YOU PUT TOGETHER Obama's resistance to just about any serious changes in entitlement spending with his antique vision of technological progress, what you see is an America where the public sector permanently consumes a larger part of the economy than in the past and squanders the proceeds on white elephants.... It's a plan for a static rather than dynamic economy.
GOV. MOONBEAM: If the GOP blocks tax hike vote, they're opposed to Democracy in Egypt or something.

Tune up the wayback machine.
FOX POLL: Will a candidate's stance on ObamaCare decide your vote in 2012?