Wednesday, September 05, 2012

GOD, I HOPE my tax money isn't paying for these idiots.

Here's the contremps that started the Democrats' reversal.

A simple question and Sen. Durban went ballistic. It's odd, because I can easily think of answers to both questions that would be acceptable to most Americans.

NEAL BOORTZ: The 'Risk' of Being Poor. Be prepared for an all-out assault.
JONAH GOLDBERG: The Question Nobody Wants to Answer.
I'D EAT THE PIZZA and send them the bill. Isn't that the Democrat way?
THOMAS SOWELL: 'Bait and Switch' Taxes.
THE FIRST TERM of the Obama administration has been a complete failure -- a complete failure of Americans to deserve the great president they elected.
PAUL GREENBERG on choices.
[T]he most impressive thing about Mitt Romney's big night was not what he said. It was his having chosen some of the people around him on that stage. Ann Romney. Paul Ryan. A great leader chooses a great team, not one whose principal function is to make him seem great by comparison.

Mitt Romney has chosen Paul Ryan as his running mate. His opponent chose Joe Biden. In a way, that says everything that may need to be said about the choice confronting the American electorate this fall....
Agreed. I had hoped Romney would introduce Paul Ryan as the first member of his 'management team' that was to help Americans turn America around.
ARE WE BETTER OFF? Let us count the ways.
RAHM EMANUEL: ‘We Have a Once-in-a-Generation President’. Jimmy Carter was also a 'once in a generation' president. My generation got rid of him after a single term.
AMERICA COMING TOGETHER as the Democrats fall apart?
CONDOLEEZZA RICE: Right about immigration.
THE DEMOCRAT NATIONAL CONVENTION, DAY 1: I watched so you wouldn't have to:
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel

Former Virginia Governor and Senate candidate Tim Kaine

Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick

San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro (Keynote Speaker)

First Lady Michelle Obama
I couldn't bring myself to include the video clips of Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid.
THE PRICE of free stuff.
A SMALL STADIUM FOR A SMALL CANDIDATE: Democrats may move Obama's speech from 74,000 seat stadium to 20,000 seat indoor arena.
ONCE YOU GO BLACK, you never go back. Racist? Or just plain stupid?