Monday, October 30, 2017

THE ONLY MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL PLAYER to kneel during the national anthem this season has been arrested on charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and disorderly conduct.

Virtue-signaling is not (yet) a 'get-out-of-jail' card.
BLOCKCHAINS: How they work and why they'll change the world.

Question: for better or worse?

I'm convinced I still don't understand fully how blockchains work, but of one thing I am absolutely certain: someone, somewhere, sometime (probably sooner than later) will figure out how to corrupt them.
ONE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE has developed a unique response to the "culture" of star athletes like Colin Kaepernick refusing to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance — a mandatory class on patriotism.

It used to be called Civics -- and taught in high school.
DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE settles IRS targeting lawsuits filed during totally scandal-free Obama administration.

POWERLINE: investigating the 'Trump Dossier'.
DEREK HUNTER: Despicable People.
I never wanted to believe liberals were actually evil, just obstinately wrongheaded and misguided in their belief that the policies they advocate only failed everywhere they’ve been tried because they weren’t the ones implementing them.
The gap between 'liberal' and 'evil' is narrowing....
A 'FREEPORT QUESTION' FOR OUR TIME: "How many genders are there?"

The answer is here.
PAY FOR IT ON YOUR OWN NICKEL and don't waste my time virtue-signaling: Pretentions millennials who romanticize living in vans.
Trump plays 3D Chess on a galactic scale while his more sophistacted [sic] opponents in the Deep State play Checkers. Meanwhile, his less sophisticated avbersaries [sic], like Hillary & most Dems, struggle to learn the rules for Tic-Tac-Toe and Hangman.
From this post on the Trump/Russia/DNC/Hillary/Obama investigation.
OF POLITICAL CORRECTNESS: How churches die. See also this post.
IF IT WAS AN ALIEN, it left in a hurry.
MORE REASON TO ROLL BACK GOVERNMENT REGULATION: City of Denver Won't Allow Single Mom to Sell Her Home for What It's Worth.

Hell, it's yet another reason to roll back government in toto. As "I'm mad, too" Eddie Chiles said back in 70's Texas, “The government should deliver the mail and stay the hell out of my business.”
'FRONT-ROW KIDS' AND THEIR VALUES have taken over our courts.
America is split between the “Front Row Kids” — who did well in school; moved to managerial, financial or political jobs; and see themselves as the natural rulers of their fellow citizens — and the “Back Row Kids,” who placed less emphasis on school; and who resent the pretensions and bossiness of the Front Row Kids.

While teaching constitutional law after the election, it occurred to me that though the Back Row Kids can elect whomever they want as president, senators or representatives, there is one branch of the federal government (and all state governments) that is, more or less by its nature, limited to Front Row Kids: the judiciary.

To paraphrase former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, "They don't know what they don't know."