Tuesday, March 10, 2015

STONEWALLING CONGRESS is not a good idea.
Indulge me please, for I am a doddering old fogey who was taught in civics class in the 1950s that our Supreme Court determined the constitutionality of laws passed by Congress. The court, we were taught, did this by applying constitutional tenets to the particular law in question. Pretty easy stuff, I thought back in those simpler days before emanations, penumbras and psychic-like determinations of legislative intent entered the fray and politicized the process (“Supreme Court tries to make sense of poorly drafted Obamacare language,” Web, March 4).

The Affordable Care Act clearly states that subsidies for health care premiums are limited to those policies that originate in state-created exchanges. This was the intent of those who drafted the act and was not, as some would have us believe now, that unintended consequences of too-clever-by-half reasoning have rendered that part of the law a problem, a drafting error.

Either a law means what it says in plain English or it doesn’t, and if it doesn’t and our leader can manipulate it at will, then our republic can exchange the bald eagle for a banana.
Published in the Washington Times on Monday, March 9, 2015.
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON is not happy with Hillary Clinton.
BERNIE GOLDBERG: I’ll stay home if Ben Carson is the GOP nominee. Not me; I’ll vote for the proverbial ‘sack of hammers’ before I’ll vote for Hillary.
2014 IEEE GLOBAL MEMBERSHIP STATISTICS show a mixed picture. U.S. student memberships down; globally, up. Not a good trend for the soon-to-be-formerly greatest nation on Earth.
“THE NEW YORK TIMES [is] waking up to our president’s besetting character flaw — he doesn’t really give a damn about anyone but himself.”
SITUATIONAL ETHICS: a thought about Sen. Tom Cotton’s letter to Iran.

ADDED: Some history.
IT’S A LITTLE LATE NOW, but yesterday odds were 2:1 that Hillary would blame her email troubles on climate change.
PRUDEN ON POLITICS: Hillary Clinton’s Nixon moment.
Hillary’s emails, which last week were an irritant, have become an annoyance that threatens to become a problem that could become catastrophe. Her allies on Capitol Hill and her friends in the media haven’t bailed, not yet, but suddenly the allies have a case of the nerves, like a man in the theater who gets a whiff of what he thinks may be smoke and starts looking to locate the exits.
I suspect the ‘distancing’ is from fear – fear that they too will be exposed....

UPDATE: Hillary ‘one-upped’ Nixon: It’s my server and no, you can’t see it.
KEEP THE WARTHOG: These planes could someday replace the A-10.
IEEE INSTITUTE: A history of hacking.
In the early 1900s, Italian physicist Guglielmo Marconi developed a wireless telegraph that could broadcast radio-telegraphic messages on a specific wavelength to establish private communications channels.

Marconi’s invention posed a threat to the wired-telegraph industry. In response, the Eastern Telegraph Co. hired John Nevil Maskelyne [see photo, above right], a British magician and inventor who had experimented with wireless technologies, to monitor Marconi’s work. According to an article in New Scientist, Maskelyne was able to build broadband receivers capable of intercepting Marconi’s so-called secure transmissions without knowing their frequencies.

In June 1903 Marconi held a public demonstration in London to show how his device could receive a message from a station nearly 500 kilometers away. But before he could receive the message, an intruder delivered this to Marconi’s receiver:
Rats rats rats rats.
There was a young fellow of Italy,
who diddled the public quite prettily.
The message went on to further mock and insult Marconi.
And you thought hacking was a new phenomenon.
JESSE JACKSON backs Garcia over Emanuel for Chicago mayor. If Rahm loses, I understand Hillary is in need of a ‘fixer’.

That said, though, I’m not sure the Jackson endorsement is bad for Emanuel....

Linked from this post: Apocalypse Newark.
MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY: Draw biosensors on your skin.
OBAMA ADMINISTRATION: Standing up for Congressional prerogatives is ‘offensive’. I’m somewhat surprised it isn’t racist hate speech as well.
A SPORTS ANALOGY for the Obama administration.
A WAR of Obama’s making losing.

Original post here.
TOUGH CHOICE: the Evil party or the Stupid party. “I’m with Stupid” is not exactly my bumper sticker of choice....
FLOPEROO: ‘Cover Oregon’ ObamaCare exchange officially goes belly up.
WE SHUT DOWN KEYSTONE XL; now let’s shut down rail transportation.

They’re pissants, but very creative pissants. Have you noticed how gun control morphed into bullet control?
SLOW LEARNERS CAN LEARN: Even a plurality of Democrats want to move on from Obama.