Thursday, November 01, 2012

MICHAEL MOORE AND MOVEON.ORG produce a video ad for Obama:

With friends like these....
DADT: Obama's Benghazi policy.
TECH TALK: the 'anternet'.
I ALWAYS WONDERED what those stupid names meant. Now I know.
IF YOU SEE a C-130 flying overhead, it's probably not a gunship.
INSIDERS get rich on Obama's green energy stimulus. More here.
THE PERILS of nanny-state governance.
DEMOCRAT SENATOR accused of [not] paying women for sex in the Dominican Republic.

Perhaps he felt entitled to a discount because he's a Democrat.
ARE YOU READY FOR OBAMACARE? Here are the tax forms you'll need.
A "SHORT" LIST of why not to vote for Obama. [Registration required; it's free.]

I wish I could feel assured that this wasn't intentional....

UPDATE: Oh, that Liberal Fascism.