Monday, September 16, 2019

WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE between a brontosaurus and Bernie Sanders? Brontosauri are smarter.

Now do you understand?
GUNS AND POSES: Democrats demagogue death.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan famously chided a debate opponent, “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.” This would be a useful lesson for gun control advocates to learn.
Democrats misheard Moynihan as saying "Everyone is entitled to his own facts, but not his own opinions."

Read the whole thing.
#JOURNALISM. No further comment necessary.
DEMOCRAT IMPEACHMENT MANIA: Even the Department of Justice is unimpressed.
FALLING LEAVES, EPISODE I: As usual, I'm a day late and dollar short. I had intended to start my annual Fall series on Sunday (yesterday), and - as usual - fallen short. This year, though, I'm going to change things a bit. The first picture will be the more-or-less-usual view of the pond from around the house, although I'm not going to limit myself to the view from the deck. Here's the 'usual' taken from the back deck, but looking a little bit more to the north end of the pond:

I may add other pictures, but in no specific number or location. For a start, here are two more. This first one is looking at the house from the southwest corner of our lot. The road 'tunnel' that is the entry to our neighborhood is to the left. In summer, the trees completely overarch the road.

Even in full winter, there will still be plenty of cover, since deciduous trees are in the minority along the road. Finally, here's a view of the landscape taken from down on the pond dam.

The trees along the dam itself are actually beginning to change color before they fall. In the rest of the neighborhood we're seeing plenty of fallen leaves but no color. It's as if they all wait until dark, turn brown, then fall. The next morning looks as green as ever, just with a new coating of fallen leaves where you don't want them.

Last year's Fall leaves series begins here if anyone wishes to follow along.
PARKLAND VICTIM'S FATHER: 'Guns didn’t kill my daughter, Democrat policies did.'

He's right, and Democrats should listen - but they won't. Not in their narrative....
AMMO GRRRLL: WalMart has just become a Target.

JUST TELL THEM to be sure they're cooked to 165 degrees F. Yes, it's a bit callous, but the fact is that both rats and homelessness are symptomatic of the progressive paralysis that has infected the entire Left coast.
FROM AMERICA'S NEW PAPER OF RECORD: New York Times reveals source on Kavanaugh allegations was reputable Nigerian prince.
WE GET MORE TRUMP, OF COURSE: "What if the only Democrat who isn’t too radical to win is too old?"
CLUELESS IN TINSEL TOWN: His vanity ... er, virtue, sorry ... is showing.
SEEMS RATHER OBVIOUS: A political party stupid enough to call you a racist is too stupid to govern.
NEWT GINGRICH: Democrat presidential candidates doing a great job showing voters why Trump should be reelected.

When the Democrats were invited to send in the clowns, they responded with alacrity....