Sunday, October 08, 2017

IT'S A NEW GAME: U.S. forces clean up Obama's ISIS mess. Remember Bin Laden's 'strong horse' theory? When you begin to focus on killing them, "hundreds of militants surrendered amid fresh signs the terror group is collapsing."

I'm reminded that Gen. Mattis (now Secretary of Defense) is reported to have said "Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet."
DALLAS COWBOYS OWNER JERRY JONES: Players won't play if they disrespect the flag.

Good for him. I didn't watch the game today, but I hope he stood his ground.

PEGGY NOONAN: The culture of death - and of disdain.

Lectures from - and by - arrogant snots are no longer acceptable.
BIG TECH has big plans to help reconnect Puerto Rico.

But, but ... are those government-approved spill-proof gasoline containers?

MORE SERIOUSLY: Look at the picture. The street and sidewalk are filled with litter, and the Puerto Ricans are just sitting around waiting for the government to give them gasoline. And clean up the street.

And you wonder why my sympathy meter is hovering around zero....
NOTHING MAKES LIBERALS ANGRIER than normal Americans insisting on their rights. They seem to believe that only Liberals have rights; the rest of us have only responsibilities (to acquiesce to their demands).
IT'S A HURRICANE, DAMMIT! So where are the gale-force winds? Driving rain? Raging rivers? Journalists posing as meteorologists? Sobbing deplorables posing on camera?

The rain is somewhere between mist and drizzle; winds are on the low side of zero; waves pounding the pond shore are under 1/8 inch; and there's not a journalist or sobbing deplorable in sight.

UPDATE (& BUMP): Finally! we sustained some hurricane damage - a dead tree broke in half and punched a hole in the fabric of our little windmill by the carport. A little dab of fabric glue and it'll be all right....


... why aren't our streets raging rivers of blood?
DO BEARS SHIT IN THE WOODS? Yes, and at least one government employee uses the halls of the EPA.

I think it's safe to say there's at least one excess employee in government....
HEH: “The settlement of other continents by Europeans is called colonialism. The settlement of Europe by people from other continents is called multiculturalism and emergence of a global society.”

Read the linked article as well.
TAKING A STAND: Vice President Mike Pence leaves NFL game as players kneel.


Herewith, today's pictures. From our deck, looking down at the pond. It's still mostly green; the only change is that the single tree that started dropping leaves early is now completely bare.

The driveway view is almost unchanged. Some brown is in evidence in the trees across the road, but other than that almost marginal change, nothing.

The pond view, however, is spectacular. That single tree across the pond is a bright gold in the afternoon sun - the picture simply doesn't do it justice. The other trees along the walking path are beginning to show change - unfortunately, no golds or reds in the passage to brown.

Last week's pictures are here for comparison.
HEY, SNOWFLAKE, it's a shoe lace.

PRESIDENT TRUMP is killing ObamaCare by making states follow the ObamaCare law. Rules actually, but still....
GET SMART: use dumb bombs.
POWERLINE'S Week in Pictures has posted. My favorite:

I use Lysol....
FINALLY, A DEMOCRAT 'WOKE': Top House Democrat says it's time for Pelosi — and her lieutenants — to hit the road.