Saturday, March 30, 2024

AMMO GRRRLL on things seen -- and unseen.
SAVE TAXPAYERS MONEY. Politically incorrect Sheriff tells citizens to shoot and kill home invaders.

We need more of this guy.
POWERLINE'S WEEK IN PICTURES: Build Back Better edition. My favorite:
There are bridge pictures, too. Go see them all.
IT'S 'SCIENCE': The "woke" are just trying to inflict their misery on everyone else.

Since they're miserable human beings, you must be too.
JUST LIMIT IT TO THE LEFT. The Left's new goal: degrowth.
BUT WE HAVE PLENTY OF OUTLETS: The coming electricity crisis.
RANDOM THOUGHT: Homosexuality is God's way of telling you that you shouldn't reproduce.
SURPRISED? Disparate impact thinking is destroying our civilization.

I'm not.