Tuesday, June 28, 2016

OUR GOVERNMENT ELITES ARE HAVING A HISSY FIT: Brexit is a reminder that some things just shouldn’t be decided by referendum.

And dishonest as well. Note that the URL above contains the original headline with 'the people' replaced by 'referendum'. In plain English, "You people are too dumb to govern yourselves; you need us governing elites to do your thinking for you."

Narcissistic buffoons all.
BEST COMMENT OF THE DAY: "The flies change, but the crap stays the same." From this post noting the Washington Post's disdain for 'the people'.

From this PowerLine post.
MEDICARE UPDATE: Who’s really pushing Granny off the cliff? Obama himself, with Hillary’s helping hand.
"A CLASSIC INSTANCE of how the Left sustains itself by living off Other People’s Money, when the majority have no clue what is going on."
WHAT THE HELL IS A 'FAMILY SIT-IN'? Democrats call for ‘family sit-ins’ on guns.

As Instapundit notes, "This is a hollow threat, since Pajama Boy won’t get off the damn couch anyway."