Thursday, April 26, 2012

PROFILE of an angry racist.
HOW ALEC became a political liability. I'm inclined to think that as the American Legislative Exchange Council becomes more widely known, it will indeed become a political liability -- for Democrats.
JOHN STOSSEL: The Assault on Food -- and you. "It is no coincidence that the push for more food regulation came at a time when Congress obsessed about the rising cost of medical care. When government pays for your health care, it will inevitably be drawn into regulating your personal life. First, politicians promise to pay [for you]. Then, they propose to control you."
BEST SENTENCE EVER! "The love of theory is the root of all evil." Bill Whittle explains.

When you're playing with toy cities in the basement, you don't have to, you know, make the dang things work.
FOR $25 you, too, can have a Raspberry Pi.
SUSPECT CLAIMS he attacked white teen because he was angry over Trayvon case. So where's the outrage? Could it be because the suspect is black and the victim white?

UPDATE on another incident: Move along, now. Nothing to see here; it's not a hate crime.
MODERN ENVIRONMENTALISM: seduced by the Dark Side.
DESPITE A VETO THREAT from President Obama, the Republican-led House approved a 20% election-year tax cut for companies with fewer that 500 employees. Obama and Democrats attacked the legislation as unfairly favoring wealthier small-business owners, celebrities and sports teams.

DEMOCRATS have nothing to offer but fear itself. Divide and conquer.
EPA OFFICIAL: Our Philosophy is to Crucify in Order to Pacify. Our policy toward them should be simpler -- just crucify.