Friday, June 06, 2014

DISABLED? There's an app for that.

'Fancy Nancy' Pelosi: But now they're free to pursue their dreams (on our nickel).
WASHINGTON EXAMINER: Does EPA's left hand know what its far-left hand is doing to fight fracking? Yes. The left hand is providing cover for the far-left hand.
AND YOU THOUGHT the terrorist exchange for Sgt. Bergdahl was a good idea?
TIME MAGAZINE: Legal pot might make America’s kids stupider. Given the current liberal stupidity pandemic, I'm not sure it's possible to be any stupider. (Unless negative IQ's can exist.)
GOOD NEWS: Stunning health care insurance increases are on the way.

Just in time for the mid-term elections.

UPDATE: Maryland Obamacare Insurer Hiking Premiums 30 Percent.
D-DAY 1944: How a boatbuilder put history's mightiest invasion force ashore.
D-DAY, 2014: Seventy years ago today, free men stood against evil – and evil failed.
"LET ME BE CLEAR. I will never negotiate with terrorists. Technically, I'm rolling over." Almost as good is this response tweet: "@BarackObama didn't negotiate with terrorists. He took the sticker price."