Thursday, December 03, 2009

GLOBAL WARMING IS COOLING DOWN: Britain’s University of East Anglia says the director of its prestigious Climatic Research Unit is stepping down pending an investigation into allegations that he overstated the case for man-made climate change.

But we need give it only a year or two and the “warmists” will turn “coolists” with the same fervor and lack of scientific rigor. Their grants depend on it.
AN UPDATE ON OBAMA’S AFGHANISTAN SPEECH: ”Obama has decided to fight the war with the proper resourcing, or close to it. But what exactly is the purpose of the escalation? There was no sense of purpose in the speech, no grand sense of mission, save one: getting out. Obama never once mentioned “victory” in the address, nor [did he] attempt to define (or even re-define) what he wanted for an outcome.”

Which is why his speech was so disappointing.
LIVE GREEN, LIVE CLEAN. How long is another matter for discussion.

Not to worry. Congress has the solution.
WHY I’M ANGRY: “The economic decisions involved [in ClimateGate] make [hundreds of million dollar] drug research programs look like roundoff errors. The data involved have to be very damned good and convincing, given the potential impact on the world economy, through both the possible effects of global warming itself and the effects of trying to ameliorate it. Looking inside the CRU does not make me confident that their data come anywhere close to that standard.”

Link via Instapundit.
NEW WAY OF DETECTING EXOMORONS NARROWS SEARCH FOR INTELLIGENT LIFE. Surely, somewhere, there’s a cartoonist, satirist, journalist who can write to that title. Any takers? Scott Ott? Frank J? Chris Muir? Scott Adams?

Loosely based on the title of an Instapundit post.
THE AMERICAN PUBLIC has an attention span “measured in angstroms.”

Since an angstrom is a measure of distance, not time, what does that tell us about the scientific knowledge of journalists?

I’d suggest that an angstrom is the proper measure of its depth.
HOW CHILDISH: White House insisted F-22 be removed from Obama speech venue.

When President Obama spoke to troops at Alaska's Elmendorf Air Force Base last month, the unit there parked a shiny new F-22 fighter plane in the hanger. But according to multiple sources, White House aides demanded the plane be changed to an older F-15 fighter because they didn't want Obama speaking in front of the F-22, a controversial program he fought hard to end.
“I won’t play; it’s not my football.”

You’ll have to scroll down from the top of the page as the permalink doesn't appear to work.
METRO RECOVERY INDICES: an interesting ranking of the top 100 U.S. metro areas as they begin to recover from the recession.
CAT TRACKING: Using GPS to find KooKoo.
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON proposes change we can believe in. Needless to say, it's not change the Obama administration believes in.

Read it all.
"IT'S SUCH A PERSONAL INSULT to liberals that we would choose deciding for ourselves over their magnanimous offer to have their wisdom decide things for us. It’s almost like we don’t think they’re all geniuses — and we really don’t, because liberals are pretty much all useless idiots who can’t run their own lives, much less tell someone else how to run his."

Read it all.