Thursday, December 30, 2010

COLLEGE CENSORS, get ready to open your wallets.

And do it more widely. It's past time for conservatives to lift a play from the progressive playbook and start using the judicial branch to go on offense.
THE OBAMAS POLICE FOOD AND FOOTBALL: Why their comments on Michael Vick and school lunches make us queasy.
GOD SAVE US from the busybodies.

20-minutes-of-fame Julian Assange construct the façade of an idealistic crusading electronic muckraker?

global warming so easily get away with becoming “climate change”?

authoritarian and Islamist Palestinian groups become reinvented into traditional Western victimized minorities — analogous to women, gays, and minorities

professors convince us that their universities are progressive, anti-capitalist, and against the grain institutions?

Barack Obama invent himself into a bi-partisan, working across the aisle, no more red state/blue state unifying figure?
"Lurking somewhere behind all these improbables is a rather small Western elite that is enormously influential in the media, government, the arts, universities, and Hollywood."