Sunday, May 03, 2020

AND THEY CALL THEMSELVES 'TOLERANT': Samaritan's Purse field hospital in NYC's Central Park gets the boot.

Read it and weep for America.
STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES: Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has exhibited a stunning dumbness that, even among politicians, is extraordinary.

So she's a shoe-in for Biden's Veep choice? Or is Stacey Abrams still in the running?
THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR: Our rights are now crimes.
Americans migrated to the United States of Coronavirus — land of the unfree, home of the afraid — without ever moving. The coming weeks answer whether we can ever go home again by freely leaving home again.
Keep that thought firmly in mind.
OF COURSE NOT. Is killing the American economy absolutely necessary?

Hmm. I have to amend my "of course not" just a bit; it is absolutely necessary if the 'deep state'/Democrats are to wrest control of government from the Trump administration.
SPRING FORWARD, 7TH WEEK: It looks like I somehow forgot to document Week 6, so the changes are dramatic from Week 5.

Here's the usual view from the deck. The trees, at least at the lower levels, have filled out and turned dark green. Tree tops are still budding out; the leaves are there, but have not yet begun to turn that summer green.

Here's another view of the pond, taken from a different vantage point lower down. Because this area is heavily treed and shaded by the house, it doesn't seem to be as fast to green up. All the trees have leaves, but they haven't started to fill out just yet. The green at the bottom left are the ferns at the base of the retaining wall, which weren't even visible 2 weeks ago.

These last two are views from the 'road'. This one looking south at the mountains across the valley, which are now almost invisible. They will be by next week when the trees have fully leafed out.

Taken from the same vantage point, looking easterly along the back side of the house. Two weeks ago, this was mostly bare and the house on the other side of the creek easily visible. The cats are Russell (foreground) and Oreo behind him.

The pictures from two weeks ago are here.

POWERLINE'S Week in Pictures has this coronavirus update:

Now go see the rest.
SOUTH DAKOTA GOVERNOR KRISTI NOEM refused to implement stay-at-home orders. Her citizens threw her a parade.

At the risk of repeating myself again: It's over, folks. Let's get on with our lives.

The daily death toll is at worst, flat; at best, beginning a decline. The cumulative toll is linear to very slightly decreasing, and as a lagging indicator should begin to show a downward curve over the next week or so. Both web sites I track are showing the same trend.

The death rate has been steady now at 0.1% for several weeks, which is exactly what is predicted by the CDC every year for seasonal flu.

And finally, an estimated 80.0% of Americans are still virus-free. Herd immunity is beginning to build despite the best efforts of our deep state HealthScare Professionals to prevent it.

Now back to my regular (unscheduled) programming....