Wednesday, June 27, 2012

ESCAPE FROM CHARLOTTE: Moderate Democrats are increasingly finding 'previous appointments' will prevent them from attending the Democratic National Convention.
WHY IS IT that the only choice left in America is whether or not you can kill a fetus?
HOW CAN WE MAKE RULES governing aircraft safety if you don't crash enough airplanes? Maybe because airplanes are already safe enough?
EVEN THE MEDIA WORKHORSES are beginning to chafe in their harnesses.
WILD TURKEYS terrorize New Jersey town. Shotguns work, and New Jersey seems to have fairly liberal gun laws. I'd recommend another Thanksgiving dinner on the Fourth of July.
PENTAGON’S Zombie Satellite Program Comes to Life. There's an awful lot of 'debris' in orbit that could probably be reused if only we had a remanufacturing facility at the International Space Station.
GOOD QUESTION: What Does Obama's 'Marriage Equality' Mean for Bisexuals?
THOMAS SOWELL: A political glossary in two parts.
AARON WALKER defeats convicted felon Brett Kimberlin in court, gets SWATted. For a complete account of the events leading up to the SWATting, follow the links from here.

And the saga continues here.
UNEARNED VICTIMHOOD? Liberal Group Thinks You Are White, and That's Not Fair.
A BEAUTIFUL POEM ABOUT GROWING OLDER: Walk with me by the water.

Shit... I forgot the words....

From my email: all you need to know about aging.
AMERICA THE NON-RACIST: The simple fact of the matter is that 'white racism' is largely confined to white progressives.
RANDOM THOUGHTS from the retirement lane. Wildfires are nature's way of telling us we're lousy housekeepers.
IF OBAMACARE DIES TOMORROW, what’s next? Here are some excellent suggestions.

More thoughts here.
PRESIDENT OBAMA in a campaign email Tuesday: “I will be the first president in modern history to be outspent in his re-election campaign, if things continue as they have so far.” I have no problem with that.
THE UNICORNS' REPUTATION is getting badly sullied by association with the progressives.
TEN THINGS you would miss about Obamacare. Nope, nary a one.

What I do miss is the ability to buy on the free market high-limit catastrophic health insurance (not health care, health insurance) without all the government-mandated bells & whistles that I neither need nor want.
A SNAPSHOT of Obama's economy. As you scroll through the gallery of charts, CNN tries to generata a sense of optimism which simply doesn't correlate with what I see looking out my window.