Sunday, May 10, 2015

PAMELA GELLER’S abuse of free speech. I prefer to think of it as two down, more to come.
BEING A PURITAN PROGRESSIVE means never having to say you're happy.

Linked from Instapundit.
KIDS SAY THE DARNDEST THINGS: Liberals should be treated like children - seen but not heard.

-- Art Linkletter.
MAINSTREAM MEDIA TO MINORITIES: Your identity belongs to us.

Fausta's response (in Lateeena): "Bésame el culo."
UNLESS YOU'RE A PROGRESSIVE: Gender is no credential for the White House.

Then it's the only credential.
ONE REASON not to elect a woman President: too many shoes.
BREAKING NEWS: Global warming now causes global cooling.

If you waste enough time listening to the environauts you'll find that everything bad is caused by global warming climate change climate disruption. Including, probably, Islamic terrorism.