Friday, December 13, 2013

COMMON CORE: the worst math question in history. Is unanswerable.

If this is even somewhat representative of the Common Core curriculum, American education is in deep sh slime.
WHEN I SAID 'STOP' I MEANT STOP: Radio Pulse Gun Aims to Stop Modern Cars.
NEWT GINGRICH: Washington Wins, America Loses. As it has been in the past, so will it be in the future ... unless we vote to throw the bums out in the 2014 mid-term election.
WHILE SURFING CHANNELS last night, I tuned in to the Sean Hannity show (on Fox News) for a few minutes. He had one of his audience participation nights, with an audience of committed leftist activists and pundits. Asked why ObamaCare was such a great success, the most common response was allowing young people to stay on their parents' insurance until age 26.

I always wonder why no one ever seems to ask the obvious question: "How do parents feel about having to fund their child's healthcare expenses for an additional 3, 4, 5, or 6 years?" I would certainly pay for my child in the case of a job loss or something similar (in fact, I almost did), but as a matter of routine? No way.
SCHOOL NANNIES and the death of common sense. It's not just school nannies.
BITCOINS: space currency.
MARS ONE is one step closer to its dream of colonizing Mars: "Mars One announced it had contracted Lockheed Martin to develop a mission concept study for a Mars lander to be launched in 2018."
"NOW AND FOREVER, The Cheese Stands Alone."
NOW A geostationary spy satellite.
SEATTLE MACHINISTS UNION BEWARE: California to submit bid for Boeing's 777X production.

UPDATE: the Machinists Union is getting worried.
IMPRIMIS: The Case for Repealing Dodd-Frank.
IF YOU LIKE GOOGLE, you'll love the NSA: NSA uses Google cookies to pinpoint targets for hacking.
THE INSTITUTE: Everyday nanotechnology. Food for Luddites to chew on.

But precision it ain't.
ALTHOUSE: "Without any training or experience, this guy applied for the job, got the job and fooled people for years by just putting on an elaborate show...." And you thought it was about the sign language interpreter.
CURIOUSITY ROVER: ancient Mars lake may have supported life. Only 3.5 billion years ago....
OBAMA’S FUNERAL SELFIE won’t be shared, as Danish PM says it didn’t turn out to be a good picture.

Of course not, Obama was in it....
YOU CAN WALK through the ocean of his supporters without getting your feet wet.

Hat tip: Deteriorata.
THOMAS SOWELL on books for Christmas. Given the rampant epidemic of political correctness on college campuses, I would second Sowell's choice of Choosing the Right College for those whose children are college-bound.
RAPID RESPONSE. Republicans desperately need to follow Ted Cruz's lead.

Via Instapundit.