Sunday, April 26, 2020

THIS PANDEMIC IS OVER. Let's stop the economic suicide, and get back to work.
TOM COTTON SUGGESTS Chinese students shouldn't be allowed to study sciences in the U.S.

Au contraire, Tom. I would require them to study 'sciences' -- at Harvard, Yale, all our prestigious, elite, 'woke' colleges and universities. That should take down the Chinese economy faster than tariffs could possibly do....
OH, PLEASE: This dribble is the product of an elite academic education?

I once heard it would take a million monkeys on a million typewriters a million years turn out one of Shakespeare's lesser works. This dribble would take one monkey on one typewriter about 15 minutes to churn out. (And that's assuming the monkey had to learn to type first.)
CNN MOVES HEADQUARTERS UNDERGROUND after Trump says the sun is good.
Luckily, the 100 feet of concrete above them prevents them from getting any news broadcasts out.
I can wish.
IN A RATIONAL WORLD, WHO ON GOD'S GREEN EARTH WOULD LET THIS LUNATIC OUT OF THE ASYLUM? Adam Schiff: No coronavirus deaths if Trump had been impeached.
TANSTAAFL: That $3 trillion in pandemic relief money is coming from somewhere and it sure as hell ain't the Democrats' magic money tree.
BUT THEY'RE JUST PEONS: Covid-19 lockdowns are killing thousands of Americans.

We can immigrate as many as we need. Or release them from prison....
‘METICULOUSLY DOCUMENTED AND RECORDED’ NO MORE: Trump dossier author Christopher Steele testified his emails were ‘wiped'.

John Durham must be getting close....

OOPS! Trends down again; HealthScare providers are unhappy. The Coronavirus Dashboard is showing more deaths today, but even their trendline is down. Poor HealthScare providers.

The death rate is still estimated to be 0.1% and 83.5% of Americans remain infection-free.

OF NOTE: The CDC is no longer tracking seasonal flu (as of April 4) because deaths are 'abnormally low'. I wonder why....
BERNIE SANDERS: Another revolution, another failure.

You've got 4 more (hopefully quiet) years in the Senate, Bernie. Then hang it up and go away. Better yet, just hang it up and go away.
THE WUHAN VIRUS PANDEMIC has exposed the American ruling class. They are:
Credulous cowards,
Closet totalitarians who
Sold the Nation out and
Care only about themselves.
And I take issue with the phrase 'ruling class'. They are not a ruling class; they are a governing class. We the People are the ruling class; we can -- and should -- kick them all out (or as many as possible) at the next election.

Read it all.
JUST WHAT WE NEEDED: a clear exposition of the coronavirus pandemic lockdown rules.

Follow them exactly and you'll be fine. Any questions?
IRAN RECEIVES BLUNT WARNING FROM PRESIDENT TRUMP: the bottom of the sea needs more Iranian gunboats.
KEEPING HER SPIRITS UP: The Empress of ice cream.
MEDIA CONTRACTS Hydroxychloroquine Derangement Syndrome. There is no known cure (for journalists).
AMMO GRRRLL has no patience for -- or with -- New York.

She's right.
THESE SENATORS TRIED TO USE COVID-19 to restrict your Second Amendment rights.

Fire them when they come up for reelection (Blumenthal, CT, 2022; Murphy, CT, 2024; Markey, MA, 2020).
IT'S DESPERATION: [These] media freaks sink lower and lower every day.
NOW THAT WE'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF A PANDEMIC, PowerLine' Week in Pictures are of the same damn thing. Two favorites this week, related:

Now go see the rest.
CNN'S DON LEMON: "Who the hell do you think you are?"
[T]there is an obvious and correct answer: [We] are Americans who know when their rights have been violated and “are mad as hell and not going to take it anymore.”
Read it all.