Tuesday, January 31, 2012

NOTHING TO SEE: no violence here. Just move along now.

Courtesy of Mallard Fillmore.
FROM MY EMAIL: There is finally conclusive evidence that Osama bin Laden and Muammar Gaddafi are well and truly dead.

Yesterday, they both registered to vote in Chicago .

All it takes is a “Congressional bypass” operation.

Linked from The Wizard of ID.
AMERICAN NARCISSUS: The vanity of Barack Obama.

Linked from PowerLine.
THE NEA’S [AND OBAMA’S] PLAN: Keep your ‘kids’ captive longer.

The usual liberal solution; do more of what hasn’t worked in the past.
NOT MINE: What demographics won’t Romney win?
ROMNEY, GINGRICH on space policy.
Gingrich's message to the space industry was that, under a President Gingrich, Americans would return to the moon, build a permanent base there, and reach out toward manned flight to Mars. Romney's message was that, as president, he would consult experts to come up with an affordable mission for the space program.
I prefer Gingrich.
HEADLINE OF THE DAY: Skunks flood California city looking for love.
EIGHT YEARS IF WE’RE LUCKY: How much longer for Newt?
D-DALUS: "a flying machine that floated like a hummingbird, traveled as fast as a jet, was as quiet as a hot-air balloon, and was simple enough that a car mechanic could repair it."

I’m looking forward to seeing a prototype.
MILTON FRIEDMAN explains the 2012 election – in 1979.

BECAUSE THEY’RE OVERPAID TALENT-FREE EGOMANIACS: Why are singers always screwing up the national anthem?