Friday, September 04, 2009


Since the word leaves a bad taste in many a mouth, those of the extreme liberal persuasion have decided to call themselves ‘progressives.’ Laura Hollis would prefer the term ‘regressive,’ arguing that the inevitable consequences of their policies is to move this nation backwards.

While I agree with Ms. Hollis about the direction of their policies, I beg to differ with her choice of name. In Ms. Hollis’ own words:

That is not to say that there is nothing ‘progressive’ about liberals’ policies: our public schools are progressively worse, and our population is progressively more ignorant. Our families are progressively more shattered, and ... [o]ur citizens are progressively more dependent upon a government which is progressively more fiscally irresponsible, unaccountable, and profligate.

I say the ‘progressive’ shoe fits. Let them wear it.