Wednesday, April 17, 2013

TOO LATE, SUCKERS! Union expresses buyers' remorse over ObamaCare.
PAUL GREENBERG: Shut Up, He Explained.
THE LOGIC OF BACKGROUND CHECKS: Would a Broader Screening Requirement for Gun Buyers Reduce Violent Crime?
Three sources accounted for almost nine out of 10 crime guns: friends or family (40 percent), the street (38 percent) and theft (10 percent). It is hard to see how any national background check requirement, even one applying to all private transfers, can reasonably be expected to have a significant impact on these sources.
Thus the answer: probably not.

ADDED: Congress agrees.
NASA DEPUTY ADMINISTRATOR LORI GARVER: a role for private sector in NASA’s asteroid mission plans. I'd have more confidence if the headline read "a role for NASA in the private sector's asteroid mission plans."
THOMAS SOWELL: Fact-Free Crusades.
ARE INCOME TAXES FAIR? "[I]n a nutshell: The top 20 percent of Americans earn 53.4 percent of the total U.S. income, but pay 67.2 percent of total income tax." But of course income taxes are not all taxes. Here's the rest.
MARS ONE to start taking applications by July. One way only; no round trips.
RICK SANTORUM: Children Belong to Parents, Not Government. I'd love to sign the petition as suggested, but I'll never 'register' with the Obama administration. Nothing is so important that I'd give my email address to an [Obama] government entity.
MARGARET THATCHER: a litmus test for loser Liberalism. "Anyone I've ever met with a viscerally negative reaction to her has either been (a) lazy, (b) incapable of thinking for himself, (c) misogynistic, (d) ignorant, (e) socialist/collectivist, or (f) a nanny-state freeloader."
SPRING, FINALLY: There's a way to go yet, but the leaves on the trees around the house are showing up.

Here's what it looked like last week.
ORBITAL SCIENCE'S Antares rocket scheduled to launch from Virginia's Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport today.
SWEET ANGEL OF DEATH, please take me now.

From my email.
UTTERLY DISGUSTING (AND DESPICABLE). Margaret Thatcher's funeral is happening as I write this. President Obama is not attending, and has not sent an official representative of the United States of America. The Senate, run by Democrats, is blocking a resolution sponsored by Minority Leader Mitch McConnell honoring her. Only the House, led by Republican Speaker John Boehner, has sent an official delegation to the funeral.

The Queen of England is attending Baroness Thatcher's funeral, a first since the funeral of Sir Winston Churchill in 1965.

The Obama administration and their cronies disgrace the offices they hold.