Saturday, February 12, 2011

FOLLOWING THE TITANIC: The U.S.S. Obama hit a rather large iceberg on election day and it seems the crew is belatedly discovering it’s better to be on the lifeboat than on the ship.
TWO YEARS AGO, Barack Obama was inaugurated as president of the United States. Are you better off today than you were two years ago? Numbers don't lie, and here are the data on the impact he has had on the lives of Americans:

Sources: (1) U.S. Energy Information Administration; (2) Wall Street Journal; (3) Bureau of Labor Statistics; (4) Census Bureau; (5) USDA; (6) U.S. Dept. of Labor; (7) FHFA; (8) Standard & Poor's/Case-Shiller; (9) RealtyTrac; (10) Heritage Foundation and WSJ; (11) The Conference Board; (12) FDIC; (13) Federal Reserve; (14) U.S. Treasury.
“PRETTY SOON it may be cool to be a Republican and square to be a Democrat.
“HIGHER EDUCATION has no special immunity from the angri-culture. On the contrary, it is a privileged haunt for those who delight in scorn, derision, and wrathful dislike of mainstream American culture. We cite academic freedom as guaranteeing our right to be vitriolic.”

Linked from Instapundit.
CENTRAL PLANNING versus the market economy. I wrote about Range Fuels here.
FIGHTING BACK: Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has announced the state will sue the federal government for its failure to secure the border and enforce immigration laws.
REMINDER:Obamacare is a jobs-killer.

TEA PARTY WINS: $100 billion in cuts in House GOP spending bill. It’s a good beginning, but only a beginning.

[Update] More here.
WHY INTELLECTUALS are not conservatives. Money quote: “Unsuccessful businessmen and workers do not have the same animus against the capitalist system as do the wordsmith intellectuals. Only the sense of unrecognized superiority, of entitlement betrayed, produces that animus.”
SCREW ‘EM: Andrew Klavan on the culture.