Saturday, February 09, 2013

IT'S ABOUT TRUST -- AND CONTROL. "More guns are being sold in America now than at any point in history, precisely because Americans are being told they cannot be trusted with guns."
BILL O'REILLY: Born on the Bayou. I've always been enamored of this part of Louisana; this is probably why.

Mr. Torres' website. Love that Cajun music!
KATHRYN JEAN LOPEZ: A Miserable New York State Of Mind.
"MEDICAID IS SO BROKEN that surgical outcomes for Medicaid patients are actually worse than for patients who are uninsured. A landmark 2010 study from the University of Virginia, 'Primary Payer Status Affects Mortality for Major Surgical Operations', found that that surgical patients on Medicaid are 13 percent more likely to die than uninsured patients."

Still feeling warm and fuzzy about ObamaCare?
DECREASED INDUSTRIALIZATION: why oil consumption is declining in the U.S.

Welfare societies don't manufacture much of anything ... except whining.
HEY LOOK, ObamaCare is going to make something else more expensive. Because it can.

When it comes to ObamaCare, I'm inclined to remember LSD guru Timothy O'Leary: "Turn on (to knowlege of ObamaCare), tune in (to the details), and drop out (of ObamaCare)."
NEWT GINGRICH: An Immigration Debate Based On Reality. He's right that Democrats are good at pandering messaging and short of performance, and he may be right that Republicans have to improve their messaging (I'd like to believe that Americans are too smart to fall for pandering, but the evidence suggests I'm wrong).
JOHN RANSOM: As Blizzard Nemo Strikes, Global Warming Won’t Be Far Behind.

Published before the blizzard struck, and exactly right.
REMEMBER THE EMPTY CHAIR? Well, it was empty for Benghazi.
‘OBAMACARE’ HEALTH CARE REFORM already forcing doctors to close practices. I'm hopeful that ObamaCare will drive more doctors to 'fee for service' because that's my plan.
WHY ARE THE FEDS loading up on so much ammo?

They're going to sell it to gun enthusiasts at inflated prices to reduce the deficit? Or perhaps they're protecting the environment by collecting all that hazardous waste (lead) for safe disposal?

It has to be something like that because 1.6 billion rounds obviously isn't enough to counter those crazed right-wing gun nuts with their 30-round magazines.
THE MEDIA EXERCISES ADMIRABLE RESTRAINT crazed shooters can't be linked to conservatives. Here's an example.
BLOOMBERG: Now let's regulate styrofoam cups. How about doing something useful? Like fixing cracks in sidewalks?

Regulation is easier.
CLEARLY CODE PINK hasn't gotten the memo that they're only supposed to protest when Republicans are in charge.
"MEDICAID IS SO BROKEN that surgical outcomes for Medicaid patients are actually worse than for patients who are uninsured. A landmark 2010 study from the University of Virginia, 'Primary Payer Status Affects Mortality for Major Surgical Operations', found that that surgical patients on Medicaid are 13 percent more likely to die than uninsured patients."

Still feeling warm and fuzzy about ObamaCare?