Wednesday, May 27, 2020

THE LEFT’S FLYNN MELTDOWN shows they’re spoiled with power.

A little disagreement: it's less about being spoiled with power than it is about losing power.
THE DIPLOMAD: Not a whiff of scandal. Yeah, right, Joe.

You will probably get an error message by clicking on the link; the Diplomad's web site disappeared shortly after this post (a severely critical one of Biden) was published.
DR. ANTHONY FAUCI and moral obligation. I think Fauci is less about moral obligation and more about maintaining control.
MANDATORY MASKS AREN’T ABOUT SAFETY, they’re about social control.


The estimated death rate remains stable today, up a tad at 0.1054%, and the estimated percentage of Americans not yet infected continues its downward trend to 70.944%. Herd immunity is still (very slowly) building.

Georgia's coronavirus caseload remains relatively stable.
POWERLINE has posted a final coronavirus mid-Week in Pictures. My favorite is the government plan to reopen the economy.

And of course, go see the rest.
MR. PRESIDENT, here's your next appointment to the federal bench.
DEMOCRATS -- the caring Karen party.

Karens are not necessarily female; I suggest the male version be called 'Karls' -- after the progressives' patron saint.