Friday, June 07, 2024

I hope that I am speaking for millions of other Americans who are fed up with the left, liberals, and the Democrat Party. I have said before and I will say it again: Republicans, STOP BEING NICE. The time has come. Stop putting up with them, stop being tolerant of them and their views, and stop tip-toeing around them.
It must be the new mindset for conservatives.
IN THE POST BELOW I suggested that the Trump conviction was the opening shot in America's second Civil War.

Even ESPN's Stephen Smith, no fan of Trump, thinks "it all points to civil war in this country."

Richard Fernandez of the Belmont Club has a more nuanced view, thinking "it will resolve whether America will survive as a distinct cultural entity or ... become a non-special part of a future Global World, governed ...from Washington D.C."
YES. It's time to fight dirty.
We need to start fighting dirty, like they [Democrats] do. If we don't, what remains of our constitutional order will continue to dissipate until all that remains is the totalitarian state they've been working for generations to achieve, complete with state censorship, show trials, and political prisoners.

And when I say we need to fight dirty, let me clarify what I am not saying. I am not saying that we should persecute innocent people, like the Left does. I am saying that we need to go full-throttle, no-holds-barred lawfare against those who do break the law and smugly get away with it.
Full throttle it is (or should be).
WHAT TO DO NOW? It is now absolutely essential that Trump be elected president.

And where do we go from here?
If Joe Biden is re-elected following this outrage, he will be an illegitimate president. What does that mean? It means, I think, that no one should be obliged to follow his executive orders. All such orders will be illegitimate and should be disregarded, as appropriate. Likewise, residents of the sane states, and their public officials, should be free to disregard rules and orders that come out of the Biden administration’s agencies–the Biden EPA, and so on. And rulings of Biden-appointed judges, or of panels on which one or more Biden judges were part of the majority, should not be given any precedential effect.
From where I live in 'indian country', that is already happening....
LOSERS ALL: Meet the University of Florida students arrested at Hamas-endorsed protest.

That's not saying much for Biden's Cabinet....
TRUMP CONVICTION: It has been a bit over a week now and I am still appalled by the judicial travesty that occurred May 30.
In my opinion, what happened is the equivalent of the attack on Fort Sumter, marking the official beginning of the (first) American Civil War. Trump's conviction may be the beginning of the second.

I hope not, but as Kurt Schlichter has written many times in his Kelly Turnbull series of novels, they are warnings, not predictions.

Although the Left seems to take them to heart as instructions....
GOOD RIDDANCE: Intel community members scared of being jailed by Trump, may flee country.

Unfortunately it'll never happen, but it is a pleasant thought.
BECAUSE THEY OBVIOUSLY DIDN'T LEARN ANYTHING: Colleges withhold students’ degrees over pro-Palestinian protests.
BERNIE SANDERS vows to boycott Congressional address by Benjamin Netanyahu.

I suggest he go 'whole hog' and boycott Congress by resigning.
D-DAY; THE DAY AFTER THE DAY BEFORE: It seems inevitable that the best commentaries come later in the day after I've finished posting. Here are some more that I think worthy.

A D-Day letter from a GI to his bride.

White House statement on the 80th anniversary of D-Day as a National Day of Rememberance.

Trump honors D-Day veterans as the ‘greatest Americans to walk on Earth’.

The Longest Day: 80 years ago today.