Wednesday, November 05, 2014

LIBERALISM RUINED MY PARENTING. But I'm going to stick with it anyway.
MARK STEYN: The Age of Intolerance.

Yes, I'd have a hard time tolerating the guy on the left, too.
THE ENTIRETY OF POLITICS FOR OBAMA: getting people to vote for him. Successful politics begins there. Obama’s politics end there.
SURPRISED? "[Obama's] kind of a self-centered jerk when you get right down to it."
THE MID-TERM ELECTION? It's not a wave election ... it's worse.
NATIONAL SECURITY: Extremists' routing of Syrian rebels thwarts Obama's strategy. But that's okay; the Obama 'strategy' was only designed to last until the mid-term election, which it did.
AVIATION WEEK: China's J-20 Stealth Fighter.

The J-20’s primary mission ... may be to use stealth and speed to break through the [defensive combat air patrol] CAP and threaten vital tankers and ISR platforms. Its range gives it a “long lance” advantage—if the tankers, ISR aircraft and escorts have to stay out of the J-20’s range, the tactical aircraft that they support will not have the airborne radar cover or range needed to reach their targets.

Also, an anti-radar missile would give the J-20 some capability against shipping, even with internal weapons. .

In a very broad sense, the J-20 could turn out to be an analogue to the Soviet-era Tu-22M2/3 Backfire bomber—an efficient and practical blend of low-risk technologies that generates options for its users and difficult problems for its adversaries.
A long article, but interesting.