Thursday, April 21, 2011

PENSION FUNDS unite Wall Street, public employee union politicos: ”The partnership between Wall Street and government unions wouldn't be so troubling except for one simple problem: When things go south, the taxpayer will end up holding the bag.
COMING SOON FROM THE AIR FORCE: mind-reading drones:
Someone’s got to say it. Predicting a pilot’s intent might prevent collisions. But it can also neutralize a human counterattack. Or it can allow the drones’ armed cousins to mimic Israel in the Six Day War and blow up the manned aircraft on the tarmac. Coincidentally, according to the retcon in Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, April 19, 2011 is the day that Skynet goes online. Think about it.
A bit overwrought, I think.
YOUR iPHONE IS SPYING ON YOU, and there’s nothing you can do about it.
NASA, Houston has a problem.
NASA should be honest and provide the answers we seek on the criteria used to reach this decision and why Houston failed to meet those criteria. If, as we suspect, the measures were purely political, we will do everything in our power to make this right.
NASA administrator Charles Bolden has some explaining to do.
CROSSING THE LINE. It is long past time for moderate liberals - if that isn’t an oxymoron - to put their frothing mad dogs on a very short leash (preferably a choke chain).
OBAMA’S FISCAL FANTASYLAND: Obama's [deficit] plan resides firmly in the fantasy camp. "His vision is that America's financial problems can be fixed by raising taxes on 2 percent of the population. Everything else will take care of itself (by kicking the can) down the road."
THE TOLERANT LEFT: They never miss an opportunity to let the mask of hatred slip. “If the taxpayers of Iowa feel the need to start budget-cutting, the Department of Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies sounds like a good place to start.”
HERE’S THE KIND OF IDIOT we must put up with in Washington DC.

This was taken at a press conference held by D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray regarding his opposition to Congress's re-authorization of DC's school voucher program. The reporter is the Washington Times’ Kerry Pickett.
I THOUGHT SO: Indiana’s government unions paid for Democrats to flee-bag their constituents.
WHAT A SURPRISE: Children beyond the reach of bureaucrats outperform their peers.
GOVERNMENT BY DECREE: Liberals' impatience with democracy, rule of law is growing ... and must be stopped.
WHITE HOUSE floating proposal to curb contract campaign cash. I think I’d be okay with it provided all parties to a contract - including any unions - had to disclose.

There is, to begin with, the notion of racial identity. Your garden-variety bigot is apt to argue that the differences between the races are not superficial but quite profound. He is apt to tell you each race possesses its own essential nature, its own culture and mores, and that for this reason it is best if each sticks to its own kind.

Some would call that backward. Others would call it progressive. Put a happy-face on the same sentiments and you have something like Somerville Place, a blacks-only residential floor at the University of Southern California. Says USC, "The goals of Somerville Place aim to foster an understanding of and respect for Black culture." Ahh, that. The bigot and USC might differ on whether black culture should be respected, but they agree it exists. Interesting.
Read it all.
INTERESTING READ: The Floating dollar as a threat to property rights. I tend toward a simpler view: the idea of the pool lifeguard getting to decide what level of submergence constitutes “floating” is, umm ... disconcerting.
AMERICA’S ELITES have a duty to the rest of us. But notice - “the rest of us” have no duties at all.

E. J. Dionne - still stupid after all these years.
IT’S OKAY TO BE ‘UNCIVIL’ if you’re a liberal college professor. More here.
SPRING IS FINALLY HERE: the beech trees are finally showing their leaves.

Quite a difference in a bit less than two weeks.
I’M NOT BLACK; just heavily tanned.