Wednesday, March 21, 2012

SURE, REDISTRIBUTION WORKS: The 'Buffet Rule', centerpiece of Obama's wealth redistribution tax plan, would take 11 years to pay for less than 5 days of federal government spending.

For amusement and reference, it would take a stack of $100,000 bills 55,900 feet high to pay off the current National Debt. (Mount Everest is only 29,028 feet high.)
JOHN STOSSEL: What is fair?
SHOULD BLACKS VOTE REPUBLICAN? Maybe, maybe not. What is certain is that [Democrat] "political power doesn't necessarily translate into economic power and well-being for the ordinary citizen."
OBAMA’S BROKEN WINDOW COMPANY — and his larger, more serious damage. Obama's economic plan has always been to break more windows and then use taxpayer money to repair them.
FIRE 'EM ALL and privatize.
A SIGN that there's a Democrat in the White House.
SHOULD THE GOP hope for a brokered convention? If I thought Newt Gingrich had a reasonable chance of winning, then yes.
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Are progressives immoral? Hanson makes a good case, but my own thought is that liberals are uninclined (incapable?) of considering the morality of the secondary and unintended consequences once they've deemed the primary act 'moral'.
"POND SCUM STINKS. And so do the Obama administration's enormous, taxpayer-funded 'investments' in politically connected biofuel companies."

Read it all.
IF OBAMA won't accept responsibility for gasoline prices, my wife suggests that we elect someone who will.
INCANDESCENT LIGHT BULBS haven't been banned -- they're just illegal to manufacture or import.
HEH: Concealed carry on campus reduces crime.
RANDOM THOUGHTS from the retirement lane. When Obama said he wanted to 'redistribute wealth' most folks didn't realize he meant to redistribute it to himself.
LET THEM EAT CAKE STARVE: Bloomberg’s New York Bans Food Donations for the Homeless. More here.
IF GETTING GAS PRICES to record highs was his goal, then Energy Secretary Stephen Chu deserves an 'A'.