Sunday, December 16, 2018

SO WE SHOULD BE HAPPY PACKED IN URBAN HIGH RISES LIKE BEES IN A HIVE? Single family zoning is an urban dinosaur.

Perhaps the author can explain why so many television commercials show people in their homes and yards in the suburbs? Or fleeing the city for the great outdoors?
FROM POWERLINE'S Week in Pictures, our cats'favorite:

There are many more good ones, including the Ninjabread cookies, the bag of idiots, and Socialist Claws. Go see them all.
ROGER L. SIMON: Good riddance to ObamaCare. Personally I doubt the ruling will stand scrutiny by the Supreme Court, but I'm hopeful, especially if the Republicans work swiftly to propose new legislation.
WHAT A SURPRISE: Higher rents correlate to higher homeless rates.
CLEARLY SEXIST: Bras for women.

The comments are hilarious.
IN SUMMARY, President Trump seems to me to be one of the best American presidents I’ve ever seen.

Click through the PowerLine link and read the whole thing.
IT ONLY TOOK 69 YEARS TO RECOGNIZE THE OBVIOUS: "I'm not a person of color."
GET WOKE, GO BROKE: The Weekly Standard, RIP.